After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 230: Lives next door to Song Boyan

   Chapter 230 Lives next door to Song Boyan

   "When my mother passed away, I was the only one by my side, and I couldn't afford to hold a beautiful funeral for her, so I wanted to take this opportunity to stay here for a few more days and pray for her by chanting sutras."

   said, Tang Li looked at the bodyguards again: "But I came here today, it doesn't seem like the time."

  Song Boyan said, "If you want to stay, then stay."

   Tang Li heard the words and looked at him again.

"I'll stay on the mountain for a while, so there's nothing to worry about if you stay here." Song Boyan's gaze fell on her, Tang Li felt it, still like an elder watching a junior: "I'll discuss with the host about the chanting. , let him arrange it for you."

   Then, Song Boyan called Ji Ming over: "I asked the master in the temple to prepare another room, saying that a female donor was missed just now."

  Jiming nodded in response.

   Watching Ji Ming turn and leave, Song Boyan withdrew his gaze, and did not stay outside the Daxiong Palace any longer, and walked towards the bamboo forest behind.

   took a few steps, but did not hear the footsteps behind him.

  Song Boyan stopped and turned around, and found that Tang Li was still standing there.

   "Don't keep up?" he said.

  Tang Li didn't know what Song Boyan was going to do, and was afraid that he would not follow him rashly, so he planned to wait here for Ji Ming to come back. Now that she heard Song Boyan say this, she followed.

   Song Boyan took her to a courtyard behind the bamboo forest.

  The courtyard is not big, and the vermilion gate has fallen off the paint.

Tang Li followed Song Boyan through the door. The blue-tiled house inside was a few years old. It was similar in structure to a courtyard house. There was a bamboo basket hanging on the corridor column of the eaves. a feeling of.

  Tang Li had already guessed that this was the place where the temple stayed for pilgrims.

   But, it was indeed broken.

   She didn't expect that, as Song Boyan, she would also live in this kind of house when going up the mountain.

   "The lodging conditions in this temple are not good enough. There are a few ethnic minority villages at the foot of the mountain. If you are not used to living there, you can stay there at night, and then go up the mountain during the day."

  Tang Li turned to look at Song Boyan: "Are you going down the mountain too?"

"I live here." Song Boyan said, smiling connivingly: "I'm different from you, I have slept in the open air before, this kind of room is nothing, you little girls are usually not used to living in this kind of place, every There is no separate bathroom in the house, and it is inconvenient to get up at night to go to the toilet.”

   At a glance, Tang Li had already looked at the yard almost.

   She knew that Song Boyan's words were not fooling.

  There is only one bathroom in the yard, which is shared by men and women.

Because the door of the bathroom was open, just facing her, Tang Li had already seen clearly inside, there was no water heater, no washstand, only a rubber tube for showering, and a squat pit for going to the toilet, she had no doubts, flushing The water button is broken.

  Tang Li didn't hesitate and said, "If you can live here, so can I."

   Afraid that Song Boyan thought she was trying to be brave, she added: "My hometown in southern Yunnan, the environment is not much better than here."

   Seeing her insistence, Song Boyan said nothing.

   Finally, Tang Li picked an empty house next to Song Boyan.

   The layout of the room is also very simple.

   In addition to a single bed, there is only a small table, not even a chair.

   At night, Tang Li was lying on the bed, smelling the musty bedding, not only did he not find it difficult to fall asleep, but he felt an indescribable peace of mind.

   (end of this chapter)

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