Chapter 263 He is different to himself after all

   "I think you are getting more and more promising." Fu Jinliang laughed and scolded his son, "I still know how to call your uncle."

Fu Si shouted: "I'm not trying to improve efficiency, you adults are annoying, one doesn't let me ride a motorcycle, and the other says I don't respect the old enough and love the young, or you and my uncle share a car and let your driver Send me and Tang Li back to school."

  Tang Li stood aside and didn't take the initiative to interrupt.

   "If you don't mind the trouble, then it's settled."

  Fu Si said, and returned to Tang Li from Fu Jinliang: "I also have a study problem to discuss with Tang Li. You and my uncle's age must have a lot of topics to talk about."

Fu Jinliang burst into laughter, and pointed at the son who was neither big nor small with his finger, looked at his watch, it was almost 12:30 in the morning, he turned his attention to Song Boyan again: "It's too late, I can only trouble you for Xiaosi. Send him a classmate, and I won't go around Yunjing Road any more."

  Fu Si listened to this, and lightly touched Tang Li with his elbow, his eyes slanted over with smug eyes, as if to say, "Look, it wasn't arranged as I said in the end."

   Song Boyan didn't say no, so the matter of sending people was settled like this.

   "Go to school and send me a message."

   After Fu Si explained, he followed Fu Jinliang and left first.

  The father and son walked for a while, and Tang Li could still hear the voice of Fu Sihou: "Dad, let's discuss it, I can ride the motorcycle back. Your Mercedes-Benz will clear the way for me in front of it, it will definitely not happen."

   After they left, Tang Li also followed Song Boyan and Ji Ming out of the hotel lobby.

   Along the way, she didn't say a word.

The cold wind outside the hotel made people's cheeks hurt. Tang Li buried the lower half of his face in the collar of his down jacket, walked to the familiar Lexus, and watched Jiming open the rear door. She stopped. , Song Boyan turned around for a while, and under the warm yellow light of the lantern, his deep and gentle eyes had already looked over: "Aren't you still in the car?"

  Tang Li raised the corners of his lips under his collar slightly, made a soft "Oh", trotted forward, and got into the car first.

After    sat down, she moved to the other side to make room.

   When Song Boyan got in the car, Ji Ming slammed the door, and there were only Song Boyan and Tang Li in the closed compartment.

   "This year's New Year's Day, I should have received a lot of blessings."

  Song Boyan broke the silence in the car.

   The gentle voice of the man was just like the look he cast just now. Knowing that he was referring to the blessing text message, Tang Li replied, "I know very few people now, and it may take a few years before there will be more."

   Her hands were still in the pockets of her down jacket. As she spoke, she turned to look at him: "No matter how many blessings I have received, I will definitely not be able to compare to you."

The voice of    fell, and Ji Ming also closed the driver's door.

  Song Boyan smiled slightly, a few tiny lines appeared under his eyes, and he seemed to be in a good mood. Tang Li saw it in his eyes, and his heart was moved, and he said, "So much information, it will take a long time for you to reply."

   "They sent me messages, but it was just a matter of routine." Song Boyan leaned back in his chair, and his tone was somewhat casual: "Since it's an official article, it's fine if you don't reply."

  Tang Li remembered the group text messages he sent last night.

  Whether it was because of Tang Yin or not, he was always different to himself.

   On the way, Tang Li suddenly felt bloated, and couldn't help pressing the position under the ribs with his hands.

   At around 8 pm, everyone will refresh again~



   (end of this chapter)

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