Chapter 264 Your man is outside

   Aware that Tang Li was uncomfortable, Song Boyan asked Ji Ming to park the car near a pharmacy.

   "Stomach pain?" he asked himself.

  Tang Li nodded: "Maybe I ate too much just now..."

  Song Boyan was about to tell Ji Ming to go down to buy medicine, when Tang Li spoke first: "I can go by myself, by the way... borrow the bathroom of the pharmacy."

  Song Boyan didn't say anything this time.

  Tang Li got off the car and went straight to the 24-hour pharmacy.

   came out of the bathroom, she took a box of stomach and digestion tablets in the medicine cabinet to check out.

  The clerk said: "A total of 11 yuan."

Tang Li didn't bring a bag, so he touched the pocket of his down jacket, and there was a hundred-yuan bill. The clerk was a middle-aged woman in her forties. She didn't want to find so much change, and said, "If you don't have it, then go ask your man. There might be!"

   "..." Tang Li raised his head and looked at her vaguely.

"Didn't you get out of that car?" The clerk pointed to the door of the pharmacy: "As soon as you entered the bathroom, a man got out of the car, walked to the door of the pharmacy and stood for a while, then went to the next door, I Looking at his appearance, nine times out of ten, he went to buy cigarettes."

  Tang Li couldn't guess who it was: "Did it come from the cab or the back row?"

   "At night, I didn't notice that."

  The clerk said again: "Go out and see for yourself, and ask him for some change by the way. It's really not much change in the store, so it can only make you troublesome."

  Tang Li walked out of the pharmacy, and when he turned around, he saw Song Boyan standing in front of the vending machine.

   He held a cup of freshly ground coffee in his left hand.

  The man was looking out on the road with a leisurely look, his right hand was holding his trousers pocket, and he took a sip of coffee. Under the collar of his shirt, the protruding Adam's apple twitched slightly.

   sensed, Song Boyan cast his gaze towards her location.

  Tang Li took a few steps forward and explained, "I only have one hundred yuan, and the clerk wants change."

   Hearing this, Song Boyan took out the wallet from the inner pocket of his coat, and without asking her how much, he handed her the wallet and asked her to take it herself.

   took the dark brown leather wallet, felt the residual heat on the wallet in his palm, Tang Li slowly gathered his fingers, and the things that were hidden by his body naturally brought his body temperature.

   Seeing that she didn't make the next move, Song Boyan said, "If you don't know how much it is, then bring your wallet in."

  Tang Li looked up at him.

  Song Boyan smiled: "I'm right here, I'm afraid you won't run away?"

   "...Then I'll pay first."

   After finishing speaking, Tang Li returned to the pharmacy holding the wallet in both hands.

When    turned around, the corners of his lips curved slightly.

  Song Boyan watched her briskly run into the pharmacy, and when he retracted his gaze, he couldn't help but smile, with a hint of pampering and helplessness in his smile.

  Tang Li bought the medicine soon.

   At the same time, Song Boyan also stuffed the paper cup into the trash can.

   Returning the wallet, Tang Li reported, "It cost eleven yuan."

   said as he walked down the steps.

   Even though it was early in the morning, Tang Li was not sleepy. She didn't want to take her back to Song Boyan. She turned around, walked backwards and asked, "Did you win money playing cards at night?"

"How to say?"

"Generally, people who win money will be in a good mood, and Fu Si told me that those people want you to win, but it's actually harder to lose than to win. You have to think about every card you play. If you accidentally win you, I'm afraid you won't be happy."

  Song Boyan pursed his lips and smiled, but did not deny it.

  Tang Li smiled: "Is it right?"

  Suddenly, the whistle of an electric car came.

  Tang Li turned her head, the lighting was a bit dazzling, the car drove directly towards her, just as she was about to dodge, a large hand wrapped her shoulders and easily took her to the side.

   There is a kind of love that is not only about desire, but more like a symbiotic relationship. A Li and Mr. Song are similar to this. After all, they were both "short-lived ghosts" in their previous lives...

   Someone from Han who squatted in the corner and drew circles: "That's my wife..."

   There are a few more updates tonight. I plan to update together, so it will be later. Although it is a weekend, I still hope that everyone will rest early and come see you tomorrow morning~

   The state has been adjusted, and the next day will be either four or six _(:з"∠)_

   I'm afraid that if there are less, you will send me gas tanks...



   (end of this chapter)

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