After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 265: I have a new year gift for you

   Chapter 265 I have a New Year's gift for you

   The electric car whizzed past her.

   Tang Li subconsciously stepped back, but stepped on the leather shoes of the person behind her. When she turned around, she was already in Song Boyan's arms, with her back against the man's chest, and Song Boyan's generous and warm palm still resting on her shoulder.

   Over there, Ji Ming has pushed the car door down.

   Back in the car, Tang Li was still a little stunned.

   After a while, she suddenly remembered something, her eyes fell to the leather shoes along Song Boyan's trousers, and she used a lot of strength for the kick she just made.

   Even if she looks thin, she is almost a hundred pounds.

  Song Boyan noticed her gaze: "What's wrong?"

   "...Nothing." Tang Li didn't ask, because he knew that even if she really stepped on him, as a man, he was still a man older than her, and it was impossible to admit it in front of her.

   After half an hour, the car arrived at the Academy of Arts.

   The black Lexus slowly stopped outside Wentan Garden. Tang Li didn't leave immediately after getting off the car. Song Boyan saw that she was on the verge of speaking and asked, "Is there anything else?"

   "Actually, it's nothing." Tang Li put his hands behind his back, hesitantly said, "It's just... Isn't it the New Year? I have a gift I want to give you."

   After finishing speaking, she was apprehensive, afraid that he would reject her.

  Like he turned down the poker players at the poker table tonight.

  Song Boyan pushed open the other door and got out.

   He said, "I'll go in with you now instead of letting you run again."

  Tang Li felt a hint of sweetness lingering in his heart, concealed his emotions, and said, "This way you will have to go back a long way."

   "It doesn't matter." Song Boyan closed the car door: "Just take it as a snack after supper."

   This time, Tang Li no longer has any objections.

   After swiping the access card, she went in first, then turned to watch Song Boyan walk into Wentan Garden: "I live in Building B, it's over there."

   said, raised his finger and pointed to the apartment building not far away.

   "Are you still used to living here?"

  Tang Li nodded: "The teacher's apartment is very quiet, there are not many people at ordinary times, there are security guards on duty at the door, and strangers can't come in."

   walked downstairs to the apartment, and she said again: "You wait for me, I'll get my things and come down."

   After that, he pushed open the door of the apartment and ran in.

   lit a cigarette, Song Boyan walked under the locust tree by the roadside, the wooden bench was covered with yellow leaves, and he stretched out his hand and swept away part of it.

  Ji Ming was waiting in the car.

Through the car window, he saw Song Boyan sitting down on the bench, not without surprise. Except for Your Excellency, Song Boyan has never waited so patiently for anyone. More precisely, in recent years, there has been no one. Dare to let Song Boyan wait like this, but now, that Miss Tang did it.

   Actually, it should be said that the Minister of Finance was too special to this Miss Tang.

   This special is enough to make an exception time and time again.

   Thinking of the scene in front of the pharmacy just now, Ji Ming had some guesses in his heart, and then went back to recall Tang Li's week in Guangyuan Temple, it seems that there is no relationship between the elders and the younger generation.

  Tang Li returned to the dormitory, breathing a little, she ran up from the first floor.

  Under Wu Xuehan's puzzled gaze, Tang Li opened the drawer of his desk, took out the miniature peninsula iron box, and then turned around and left in a hurry.

   "Ali..." Wu Xuehan didn't have time to stop her.

  Tang Li spent half a minute running back to the first floor.

   At the head of the stairs, she calmed her breath a little, then pushed the door open and went out.

   I thought about it, let’s add a chapter first _(:з”∠)_I’m afraid you guys will wait…



   (end of this chapter)

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