After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 269: There should be someone by your side

   Chapter 269 There should be someone by your side

  Song Boyan received the text message and returned to the car.

  [I haven't kissed anyone before, so I'm relatively inexperienced, just now... I just couldn't help it. ]

  In the early morning, the light in the car was dim, Song Boyan didn't put away his phone immediately after reading the text message.

   After living for more than 30 years, this is the first time I have experienced such a strong emotion.

   The women who surrounded him in the past were either self-sufficient and graceful like Miss Bo's family, or they turned around to test for goodwill, and he had never met such a girl who always expressed her feelings clearly.

  Whether it's her words or the eyes she casts, whether it's love or resentment, that resentment can also draw the emotions of others.

   As long as all men, I am afraid it is difficult to resist such a direct and enthusiastic "temptation".

  Song Boyan couldn't help thinking of Tang Li's appearance when he was 11 years old.

   is also so lively and enthusiastic, but now he has really grown up.

  Jiming was driving the car, remembering the scene at school just now, he turned his vision into the rearview mirror and found that Song Boyan was leaning against the seat and closed his eyes.

  The picture of Tang Li running back to kiss Song Boyan couldn't get rid of it in Ji Ming's mind.

   In other words, the impact on him was a bit big.

After all, the finance minister's attitude has always been to treat Miss Tang as a junior. The current situation is more than a triple jump, and suddenly transitioned from an elder to a lover. He doesn't know the thoughts of the finance minister. Headache.

   The younger generation has a love for you between men and women. As an elder, you can't beat or scold her, and you have to teach her hard, for fear that if one handles it improperly, she will go on the road of no return.

  Jiming's hand tightened on the steering wheel, wanting to ask but not easy to ask.

Even in Guangyuan Temple, he had already noticed the clue, but he never thought deeply. Apart from not expecting that Miss Tang would be so bold, there was a more important reason. Apart from the difference in seniority between the Minister of Finance and Miss Tang Cut, the two are not well-matched in terms of identity.

   Therefore, he subconsciously decided that Tang Li and Song Boyan could only have a relationship similar to family friends.

Before the car drove up to the elevated road, Song Boyan suddenly said, "Go to Songlin Garden."

   Arrived at Songlin Garden, nearly three in the morning.

Ji Ming didn't go back to the villa, he found a guest room in the villa to rest, Song Boyan went back to the bedroom, hung his coat on the floor hanger, turned around and unbuttoned his shirt cufflinks, but caught a glimpse of the full-length mirror, and when he approached, his eyes Stay on your thin lips.

   The left corner of the mouth seems to be squeezed and collided.

   There was a sudden knock on the door.

  Song Boyan turned his head, Xiao Minglan came in.

Xiao Minglan was wearing moon-white pajamas and a thick Scottish plaid tweed shawl. Even if she was over sixty years old, because she usually paid attention to maintenance, she looked in her forties. Compared with other old ladies, her appearance was undoubtedly It is more kind, and there is also a gentle temperament in gestures.

   "Xiaoru received a call from Jinliang, saying that she met you at Rongzhuang, and the poker game that broke up in the early morning, why did you come back now?" Xiao Minglan held a Jinjira cat in her arms.

  The fat cat squinted and purred slightly from time to time.

  Song Boyan took off his sweater: "I dropped someone off on the way, why don't you sleep at this point?"

   "The older you get, the lighter your sleep."

  Xiao Minglan said and sat down beside her son's bed: "When the bell rang in the early morning, it's a new year, I'm not urging you, you are quite old, there should be someone by your side."

   Thank you every day for your tips and recommendation tickets. I read all the messages, but I can’t reply o(╥﹏╥)o Yes, I’ve been peeking at the screen secretly~

   There will be an update tonight, but I strongly recommend that you come back tomorrow morning, don’t stay up late~

   Finally, ask for five-star praise, five-star~



   (end of this chapter)

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