Chapter 270 Did you find it yourself?

Seeing that her son didn't answer, Xiao Minglan rubbed her cat and said: "Your sister's children are almost 20 years old, you are still alone, a man is not old at your age, but as a mother, after all, I hope you get married and start a business soon. "

Having said that, she looked at Song Boyan's tall and straight back and sighed: "I'm in my sixties, if you get married now, I can help you with children for a few years, that Zhang Heng who came out of the army with you, last time I I met his aunt at the mall and said that she had already given birth to her third child, and the first child was in the third grade of elementary school."

  Song Boyan took care of himself to unbutton his shirt.

   Xiao Minglan had to take a step back: "Men should really focus on career. You don't want to get married in recent years. I can understand it very well. In fact, it's okay to not get married. You can find a place you like first."

   "Do you know how the outside world spreads you now? I've been with Ji Ming all day long, how can he take care of you as a big man?

  You are busy with your work. You have suffered so many injuries in the early years, and there is no one close to you. I just lie in bed every night and can't sleep well. "

   "What unpleasant gossip did you hear this time?" Song Boyan asked.

  "..." Xiao Minglan choked, thinking of those rumors, she was angry, but she was unwilling to tell her son: "It's nothing, when you get married and have children, those rumors will be self-defeating."

  Song Boyan: "..."

It is inevitable that there is time to talk to her son, Xiao Minglan doesn't want to miss this opportunity: "Your sister said that you didn't like Miss Bo's family last time you met with the Fu family. Actually, I don't want to marry the Bo family. After all, you are a businessman. If you Go up in the future, such in-laws, I'm afraid they will drag you down."

As she said that, she turned her eyes on Song Boyan again, and discussed: "I see that the daughter of the Hu family is not bad, she is a vocal student, and the girl from the scholarly family has excellent conversation and temperament. She is 27 years old this year, and her facial features are very delicate. Clean, what do you think?"

   "Have you met me?"

   "...haven't seen it, but I saw the photo."

   looked at Song Boyan and smiled, knowing that he was not interested, Xiao Minglan had to change the candidate: "Then why don't you allow Xu Wei, the second daughter of Jianguo's chief of staff?"

   "Xu Wei, you have seen it before. I just came back from studying abroad last month, and I heard that there is no match."

   Xiao Minglan has already inquired about who has a suitable unmarried girl.

Hearing what his mother said, in Song Boyan's mind, Tang Limingli's little face flashed across her mind, as well as her Tingting appearance standing in front of him with her hands on her back and pursing her lips. He stopped rolling up his shirt sleeves, and rarely made a sound. , responded to Xiao Minglan: "I know this in my mind, you don't have to worry too much."

   Hearing this, Xiao Minglan looked at her son suspiciously: "Have you found it yourself?"

  Song Boyan neither admitted nor denied.

   "Since you have numbers, then I won't bother you anymore."

   Xiao Minglan finished speaking and left with the cat in her arms.

When the bedroom door was closed, Song Boyan looked at the mobile phone on the bed again. The pitch-black screen was as quiet as his mood at the moment, and was somewhat out of his control. He picked up the cigarette case and walked to the window. He was not in a hurry to take a shower, but First, I lit a cigarette in a thousand thoughts.

   After replying to the "apology" text message, Tang Li did not receive any reply from Song Boyan.

  Although women suffer more than men in that kind of thing, but being hooked by a bully will not feel comfortable whether men or women.

   Think about it carefully, Song Boyan's reaction of not replying is the most normal.

   (end of this chapter)

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