After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 291: Meeting Song Boyan at the shooting range

   Chapter 291 Meeting Song Boyan at the shooting range

   If you only look at the back, you might mistake it for a boy.

He has thick bangs with exposed ears and super short hair, covering one eyebrow, and the hair at the temples is close to the ears. The outline of the face is not as rough as a real boy, but it is a bit sharper than a girl. The shoulders are thin, both men and women. An appropriate British-style shirt, delicate and beautiful ankles exposed, and a pair of pure white sneakers.

   Hermaphrodite is Qi Liang's first impression of Tang Li with short hair.

   When she suddenly appeared in a casual and natural manner, even the staff at the front desk of the hotel followed with restrained glances.

   A good-looking "boy" who doesn't know it, not only attracts countless surprises, but also makes "he" win a lot of goodwill.

  Tang Li walked downstairs, noticed the silence of the others, and took the initiative to ask, "Am I late?"

After    finished speaking, her confused eyes swept across the crowd.

   "It's not too late." Deng Xian said hurriedly: "We just got down."

  Qi Liang, who usually pays the most attention to time, rarely scolded people. He had a gloomy expression on his face, but when he saw Tang Li, he calmed down completely and said, "Since everyone is here, let's go."

   After that, the group left the hotel.

   As soon as he reached the gate, a five- or six-year-old girl ran over, slammed her head into Tang Li's leg, and squatted.

  Tang Li had to stop and bend over to help the other party: "Does it hurt when you fall?"

   "It hurts!" The little girl sat on the ground, suddenly opened her arms, and said in a serious voice, "I need my little brother to kiss and hug to get up."

  Tang Li: "..."

   "Dare you here to touch porcelain?" Everyone laughed.

Before he finished speaking, a young couple ran over, the father picked up the **** the ground, and the mother repeatedly said sorry to Tang Li and the others: "This girl in my family has been a **** embryo since she was a child, and she can't move away when she sees a good-looking boy. Two legs, her dad and I were checking out and let her slip away inadvertently."

   said, she turned to look at Tang Li: "I'm sorry, handsome!"

   "..." Tang Li.

   On the bus, Tang Li looked down at his chest, even if he cut his hair short, he wouldn't even be able to tell his gender.

   She went out to get her hair done at nine o'clock last night.

  I didn't let Wu Xuehan and the others accompany them, and went straight to sleep after cutting my hair.

  Tang Li expected that her appearance in front of people might surprise them. After all, when she woke up in the morning, she was stunned for a few seconds when she saw herself in the mirror.

   "Actually, if you look closely, how can you not see that you are a woman."

Deng Xian, who was sitting next to Tang Li, explained her confusion: "But there are indeed boys and girls. People who don't know see you and see your clothes, so it's hard to judge your gender. Calling a beautiful woman is much more embarrassing than being called a handsome guy when you are a woman, so most people are subconsciously more willing to admit that a woman is wrong."

   "It makes sense." Tang Li nodded.

  Deng Xian suddenly took out his mobile phone: "Come on, let's take a picture."

A few minutes later--

  【Deng Xian V】Uploaded a selfie, in addition to himself, there is also a profile of a boy in a plaid shirt, with the text: "There is a handsome young man in the crew, everyone guess who he will play?"

  Tang Li himself: "..."

   Different from the previous two days of training, today the cast and crew went to the shooting range to practice shooting.

  Tang Li's gunfight scenes are not as heavy as several actors. Qi Liang only asked someone to teach her basic shooting. After learning for half an hour, the instructor who taught her was called away.

  I was bored, Tang Li put down his gun and went to the bathroom.

   When she came out of the administrative building, from a distance, she noticed two figures in camouflage uniforms, one tall and the other short.

  Tang Li looked at the tall figure and felt familiar.

   Second sauce is not feeling well today _(:з"∠)_The code word is slow, good night~



   (end of this chapter)

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