Chapter 292 She ran away

   Behind her, at the entrance of the stairs, a third-level sergeant ran down with a document and grabbed the recruits who passed by: "Did you see Lao Cao?"

   "Someone came to the shooting range just now to find the platoon leader, saying it was the platoon leader's comrade-in-arms."

   After the recruits finished speaking, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the two people walking on the gravel road, and immediately pointed out: "It's there, or I'll go and call the platoon leader."

   The third-level non-commissioned officer stopped him: "Forget it, it's not an urgent matter, let's talk about it later."

   said, and out of curiosity, he asked the new recruit: "Do you know which comrade-in-arms is your platoon leader?"

   "I haven't seen it before." The recruit scratched his head: "He came here in a military jeep. I didn't see the rank sticker on his camouflage uniform, and the rank is not low."

   The third-level non-commissioned officer laughed and scolded: "You have sharp eyes, and you can still see the level of people."

"Without a military rank, can't we judge it by his style?" The recruit insisted on his own idea: "You can also tell from the way he walks that he must belong to our army. The typical standing is loose and walking like the wind. You can see for yourself that only After troop training, the body will be so strong."

   "Stop teasing me."

   The third-level non-commissioned officer waved him away: "Go to the shooting range to clean up!"

   "That's right." The recruit took two steps forward, then ran back and told the sergeant: "I know, the platoon leader's comrade-in-arms' surname is Song. He said it himself when he came in just now."

  Tang Li heard the word "surname Song", and then looked towards the cross road, the familiar feeling had been replaced by a heartbeat of random frequency.

   Coincidentally, some two men who were walking far stopped.

   They were standing under a big tree.

The tall figure turned slightly sideways, the army camouflage training uniform, the tight waistband made him look taller and taller, the high training uniform sleeves, the strong forearms, the black combat boots, just like a certain This accumulation of strength reminded her of a hunter with a sturdy figure.

  Tang Li thought absentmindedly——

   If he is a hunter, he must be the kind of hunter who can easily control the overall situation.

   At this moment, Song Boyan turned his head and looked this way.

  "..." Tang Li's feet seemed to have taken root.

  The dullness was only a few seconds. Regardless of whether she was recognized or not, she raised her hand and pretended to stroke her bangs to block the gaze from the other side, and then walked away from the administrative building with her head buried in it.

   Around the back of the administrative building, Tang Li slowed down.

   In fact, even she herself didn't know why she "fleeed".

   Recognized that the man was Song Boyan, and the first realization that came into her mind was that he had returned to China.

   Immediately came the confusion.

   I don’t understand how he would come to such a remote mountain range in southern Yunnan.

  Tang Li remembered the New Year's gift he gave him.

  When I think of gifts, I naturally think of the kiss that night.

   is not actually a kiss.

   It was her lips that touched his.

   On the way to the training ground, Tang Li didn't know what he was thinking about. Song Boyan was not in the country, so he wanted to send him a text message.

  ... She thought about the short hair she just cut.

  It seems that men like girls with long hair, especially men of some age.

  Girls cut their hair short, which is easy to be labeled as a man's wife.

  Tang Li was pulling a thousand roots of grass that he had just pulled out, thinking of being called "handsome guy" in the morning, inexplicably frustrated, and then she heard Song Boyan's voice.

   "How long are you going to shake like this?"

The    male voice is familiar, with a somewhat diffuse and restrained poise.

  Tang Li turned his head abruptly.

   Behind her, Song Boyan stood not far away. He had just lit a cigarette, and it was between the fingers of his right hand.

   The man has a gentle smile in his eyes, and the air smells of nicotine: "I don't know that this is a shooting range, and are you running around?"

  Tang Li only felt his heart tighten and his throat seemed to be blocked by something.

   She did something stupid in hindsight.

   - run away.

   It was a real encounter, not a plan _(:з」∠)_



   (end of this chapter)

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