Chapter 296 Really grown up

  Song Boyan did not answer.

   Tang Li naturally didn't know.

  If she remembered, outside Li Wenyan's study on the night of the Li family's birthday banquet, she saw that she would not be so prepared, and the little face, except for surprise, did not have the familiar feeling of meeting old people.

   When she asked Ji Ming to give her an umbrella, she followed Ji Ming to the club, not because she recognized him, but just to "friend" herself.

   Seeing the red string on his wrist, she only thought that she had one too.

  Cao Liang had already guessed the answer from Song Boyan's attitude: "She didn't recognize you, so why didn't you tell her?"

   "In the end, it's just a good fate. Since she can't remember it anymore, there's no need to remind her. Sometimes, it's not the retribution of grace that makes it difficult."

  Song Boyan's remarks were exchanged for Cao Liang's approval: "The more she forgets now, the more unintentional she was to save you in the first place, and she didn't intend to get anything from you.

For example, when I accidentally saved a person, one day he suddenly came to thank me, but it made me uncomfortable. That feeling was like being elevated, especially in terms of morality, and I was invisibly put on shackles, which made me feel uncomfortable in the future. Not doing good deeds is a sin.

   And then—”

  Cao Liang's eyes fell back to Song Boyan: "With your status today, if you really want to 'repay your kindness', you can do it quietly. Too much on the table, it's not beautiful."

  Song Boyan smiled lightly.

  Cao Liang added: "But it's really the eighteenth change of the female college. I can't see the skin like you described back then. It's like a tomboy, staying in our hometown. The girl should get married when she grows up to her age."

   Hearing this sentence, Song Boyan's smoking action paused slightly.

   After that, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened slightly, and when he turned to look at Tang Li again, he said slowly, "I really grew up."

  According to the instructor's order, Tang Li kept holding the gun for ten minutes. When she turned her head to look at the fence, there was no one outside the net.

   A trace of disappointment appeared in her heart.

   But, thinking of supper, she was full of blood and resurrected.

In fact, at first, Tang Li thought that Song Boyan would definitely reject her. After all, he did something very impulsive that night, and he asked her to correct her mentality more than once or twice, not to regard dependence as the whole of her relationship, but now , he agreed.


  He was planning to brainwash her while eating supper?

   Just like the time at Fuyuan.

  Thinking of this, Tang Li's joy disappeared a lot.

   Taking advantage of the break, she left the training ground and went to the administration building with a fluke, because she didn't know if Song Boyan was still there.

Walking on that gravel road, Tang Li happened to see Song Boyan who was going downstairs. With the car key in his hand, he walked towards the military jeep parked in front of the building. As soon as he opened the driver's door, he found Tang Li not far away. Unexpectedly, I stopped by the car.

   Tang Li ran over without hesitation.

   As he was about to run up to him, he tripped over a stone and knelt down.

   really knelt on the ground.

   "..." Tang Li.

  The knee was slammed by piles of small stones, and even his hands were pressed to the ground, and the pain came.

   Before he stood up, his ears and neck were already red.

   Then, combat boots appeared under her nose.

   "Can't get up on your own?" Song Boyan's voice came from above his head.

   Tang Li nodded and immediately got up in silence.

   As soon as I stood up straight, I felt soreness in my right ankle.

  Song Boyan noticed that her figure was swaying slightly, and looked at her feet with a deep gaze: "Is your feet swollen?"

   (end of this chapter)

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