Chapter 297 Song Boyan picked her up

   "...Maybe it hurts." Tang Li replied.

   There seemed to be a sigh in his ear.

Tang Li was about to identify when her feet left the ground. It wasn't a princess hug, but a koala-like hug. The sudden dangling made her subconsciously want to grab something, but she climbed onto Song Boyan's broad shoulders. Her sight, Completely occupied by the camouflage training uniform on the man.

  Song Boyan picked her up, seemingly without much effort.

   Possibly, his arm strength is good.

   The man's right hand was on her back, and the other arm was wrapped around her legs, and just like that, he lifted her up.

   It wasn't the first time she got so close, but she was still overwhelmed.

  Tang Li grabbed the camouflage uniform on Song Boyan's shoulder with his fingers, and his breath was filled with the smell that was becoming more and more familiar to him.

  The sun was shining on each other, she noticed the overlapping black shadow on the ground, and suddenly she didn't know what to think, her hands tentatively stretched back and clasped at the back of Song Boyan's neck.

   Even if he didn't lock him firmly, his heart was already very steady.

   "Doesn't it hurt to be so close?"

   Hearing Song Boyan's question, Tang Li hummed softly, "This way I won't fall."

  This way you won't fall down...

   Inside and out, full of distrust of him.

   In order to confirm what she said, she tightened her arms around his neck slightly.

  Song Boyan laughed secretly in his heart, but he seemed helpless with her. He carried Tang Li to the front of the military jeep and put her directly on the front of the car.

  Tang Li consciously let go.

  Song Boyan squatted down on one knee, supported her right calf with one hand, and the heel of her sneaker with her right hand, skillfully turning her ankle: "Is this here?"

   "No." Tang Li said truthfully.

   Sitting on the front of the car, her fingers lightly gripped the edge of the hood.

  As far as you can see—

   is the silhouette of Song Boyan squatting.

   The man's strong arms, healthy wheat complexion, and her slender white ankles also vividly reflect the disparity in strength between men and women.

Song Boyan, who put on a camouflage training uniform, seemed to be more approachable than wearing a suit, and he no longer looked at him in a rigid manner. However, when he really stood in front of him like this, Tang Li would still feel invisible pressure, just like the recruit said, angry Things like field and style are the best proof of a person's identity.

   Her pantothenic right heel was pinched with gentle force.

  Song Boyan covered her delicate skin with a cocooned palm. In addition to the warmth, the soreness eased.

  Tang Li said: "...It doesn't seem to hurt anymore."

   After the words were finished, Song Boyan let go of her sprained right foot: "Come down first and take a look."

   After she landed on her feet and took a few steps, she turned to look at Song Boyan with a light smile: "It's really okay."

   Remembering something, Tang Li asked, "Do you understand massage?"

"Those who have been in the special forces will be more or less good in this regard." Song Boyan said, turning the topic to her fall: "I usually walk and look at my feet, not to say that I have grown up, really adults, which one looks like Are you so reckless?"

   Tang Li's cheeks were slightly warm: "It was an accident just now."

  ... Only in front of you will this happen again and again.

   She added silently in her heart.

   looked up again and found that Song Boyan was looking at him, he pursed his lips and smiled, his Adam's apple protruding, such deep eyes made her face hotter and hotter.

   Suddenly, I wanted to find a place to get in.

  Tang Li was embarrassed: "I'll come out to get some air."

   (end of this chapter)

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