Chapter 416 Do you like me?

  Li Yuaner left the police station and made another big noise.

   On the way back to school, Tang Li was leaning on the seat and swiping the news on Twitter with a tablet. Feng Qi sat next to him and helped Tang Li arrange the recent announcements.

   Noticing Tang Li's slider phone, Feng Qi said, "It's time to change the phone."

   "This is good."

   "Well, I think you are still using the messenger (chat software) version from ten years ago."

  Tang Li looked at him: "How can it be so exaggerated."

  Feng Qidao: "You don't have Wchat (international version of WeChat), change your mobile phone, register an account on several social platforms, and wait for your popularity to rise. These are all essential things."

   "Let's talk later."

  Tang Li bowed his head and continued to brush Twitter news.

   Tonight's Li Yuan'er is no different than she was in the morning.

   After Li Yuaner left the police station, the official account of Li Yuaner's studio issued a statement denouncing rumors. As for Li Yuaner's social account, there has been no response.

   The syringes in the toilet tank were indeed put there in advance by her.

   As for the syringe, it is the one that was injected into Yu Sui.

  It is normal for drugs to remain in the syringe.

  Tang Li has lived two lifetimes and knows Li Yuaner's character very well, so she doesn't miss any opportunity to step on her face to face, so when she went to the bathroom, she was sure that Li Yuaner would definitely follow.

   She can get away cleanly tonight, so she should really thank Li Yuaner.

   However, thinking that Ouyang Hua might be the initiator, and Li Yuaner's attitude in the past, Tang Li's guilt disappeared.

   As for the person who texted her—

  Tang Li didn't hold on.

  Tang Yin has passed away, and some things are no longer urgent.

  If Tang Yin was not accidentally infected with AIDS...

  Tang Li cast her eyes out of the car window. The neon lights were reflected on the glass, which was like a streamer. She clenched the tablet on her leg. Whether it was an accident or not, one day, she would figure out the cause and effect.

  Nanny van is parked in front of the school.

  Because he wanted to buy something, Tang Li did not let the driver go downstairs in the dormitory.

  Tang Li went to the cafeteria to pack three supper.

   At the entrance of Wentan Garden, she was forced to stop.

  Han Jifeng is leaning against the car to smoke.

   noticed something, he turned his head and looked over.

  Tang Li clenched the bag tightly, just like the night of the state banquet, intending to ignore him, however, when passing by the car, Han Jifeng said first: "You don't want to see me?"


   I don't want to see it at all.

   Tang Li didn't say the answer.

   She stopped and looked sideways at Han Jifeng: "Are we familiar?"

   Under the shade of the trees, Han Jifeng looked at the girl's clear deer eyes. It wasn't the deadness in his dream. He stood up straight and stared at Tang Li with his dark eyes: "You hate me?"

"I'm not familiar with it, why is it annoying." Tang Li retracted his gaze: "You are Li Shengxia's ex-boyfriend, you can definitely see that Li Wenyan matched me and you because he valued your future. You want to marry me, but just want to Get closer to Li Shengxia, as for me, I'm not interested in making sandwiches in biscuits."

  Han Jifeng suddenly said, "You like me?"

   "..." Tang Li's heart twitched.

   The throbbing pain is not because of being guessed.

   is like a conditioned reflex.

  Past Life——

  When he and Li Shengxia were together in the dead of night, her heart often throbbed like this.

  Han Jifeng said again: "My mother likes you very much. If you are free, you can go to Han's house to accompany her more. If you are worried that it will be too late to go back to school, I can drive you."

  Tang Li turned around and met his gaze without evading: "I'm an actor now and I'm very busy. Besides, I don't want to go to the house of a man I don't like."

   The fifth update~

   It was the first update after 2 am, some fairies didn't count..._(:з"∠)_

   I will try to write 8,000 words tonight, what about the group?



   (end of this chapter)

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