Chapter 417 What matters is now

   A man you don't like.

   He asked her if she liked him, and she already gave the answer.

  Han Jifeng stood there and watched Tang Li swipe his card to enter Wentan Garden. He didn't look back until she walked downstairs to the dormitory.

  Tang Li pushed open the door of the dormitory, thinking he had gone to the wrong place.

   In the dormitory, Wu Xuehan's bed was gone, replaced by a bunk bed.

  There is an extra desk against the wall.

  Yu Sui was lying on the top bunk, holding a yellow pillow and playing with the tablet computer. Wu Xuehan was cleaning the cabinet with a rag. When she saw Tang Li coming back, she smiled flatteringly: "Ali, are you back?"

   Tang Li asked, "Where's your bed?"

   "My bed has been put in Yu Sui's dormitory."

Wu Xuehan said, and pulled Tang Li to show her the new bed: "I and Yu Sui went to the furniture city in the afternoon. This bunk is only 1800 yuan, and it is still solid wood. Yu Sui paid the money, so as not to take advantage of her, I will Give her my bed."

   "..." Tang Li.

   Next, Wu Xuehan told Tang Li another news.

   Yu Sui will live with them in the future.

  Tang Li had no objection, and put the supper on the table again.

  As a sick child who has been poisoned, Yu Sui didn't get out of bed. She took a late-night snack and sat on the bed to eat. Wu Xuehan specially poured a cup of warm water for her: "Be careful, don't spill it on the bed."

   Then, Wu Xuehan ran back to Tang Li.

   When she was having supper, she leaned over and told Tang Li: "Today, Yu Sui and I did a big thing."

   Tang Li looked at her mysterious appearance and asked, "What's the matter?"

   "After careful planning, we got Li Yuaner down." Speaking of which, Wu Xuehan raised his eyebrows: "Yu Sui betrayed the fan group, and the veterans of the support club are about to explode!"

  Tang Li had guessed that [like a fish in water] was Yu Sui, but now hearing Li Yuaner say this, it was like being confirmed.

   Even though he knew about the meeting, Tang Li said, "Thank you."

   "I didn't do anything." Wu Xuehan pointed to the upper bunk behind him: "It's the fan group that Yu Sui poured money into, I'll take a look at it."

   Before he finished speaking, Yu Sui stuck his head out from the upper bunk.

   met Tang Li's gaze, she pouted, and then retracted her head.

When washing the dishes, Wu Xuehan followed Tang Li into the kitchen, stood in front of the desk, and whispered, "I lived in the same dormitory for a year before, but I didn't realize that Yu Sui is quite righteous. The gap is too big.”

  Tang Li said: "The important thing is now."

   Wu Xuehan nodded: "Yu Sui doesn't play with Yining, and the style of his painting has changed drastically. By the way, Yining has moved out."

   Hearing this, Tang Li looked at Wu Xuehan.

   Wu Xuehan said again: "She hasn't come to class for a long time, and I heard that she was also filming."

  Tang Li doesn't pay attention to Jiang Yining. Speaking of which, the role of Mrs. Bao was "robbed" from Jiang Yining. I'm afraid Jiang Yining already hates her.

   "There's more." Wu Xuehan said while washing his hands: "Director Qi called me and said that his friend was going to make a TV series, and there was a role suitable for me. He asked me if I wanted to audition."

   In this life, Wu Xuehan entered the showbiz two years earlier.

   "You can try it." Tang Li encouraged her.

   Wu Xuehan pursed his lips, and then asked Tang Li, "If I really want to be an actor, can I sign the agency contract with IMG?"

  ——Being in the same company as A Li, she has the bottom line.

   This question, Tang Li asked Feng Qi the next day.

   (end of this chapter)

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