After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 418: Tang Xiaoli's unexpected joy

   Chapter 418 Tang Xiaoli's Unexpected Joy

  IMG Media, as a big company, has a certain threshold for signing artists.

   There are very few newcomers like Tang Li in IMG. IMG mainly deals with established artists. Several first-line celebrities in China have put their brokerage contracts on IMG.

   Knowing that Tang Li's roommate wanted to sign with IMG, Feng Qi said truthfully: "It depends on her talent. If she has talent, there will still be an agent willing to take her."

   The premise is that Wu Xuehan has to shoot one or two works first.

  Tang Li silently wrote it down.

Feng Qi suddenly remembered something, and said, "Li Yuan'er is wrong this time, even if she doesn't take drugs, the police don't have enough evidence to accuse her of hiding drugs. In this circle, the truth may not be heard, and Li Yuan'er will not Withdrew from the entertainment industry, but she will be accompanied by the label of possession of drugs in the future.

   As far as I know, there are several brands that do not plan to renew endorsement contracts with her, including high-end clothing brand VODE/JOHN. "

   said, Feng Qi took out a document from behind and threw it on the coffee table.

  Tang Li looked at him puzzled.

   Feng Qi pointed at the document with his chin and let her see it for herself.

  Tang Li reached out and took it, opened the folder, and found that it was VODE/JOHN's contract for the next year, from May this year to the end of April next year.

   She was a little surprised.

   Feng Qi let her see the contract, stating that it was for her.

   However, with her current reputation, there is no real release work, how can VODE/JOHN like her?

   Feng Qi explained her confusion: "Their chief designer likes you."

   "..." Tang Li was in a fog.

   "Their chief designer is a little old German man with a weird personality. I originally wanted to try it out to help you get resources. As a result, this little old man really fell in love with you."

Feng Qidao: "I have a personal relationship with the art director of "XL". The issue of the cover photo you took with Deng Xian will not be on the shelves until the end of this month, so I asked him for your photo. VODE/JOHN attaches great importance to the spokesperson. In terms of appearance and temperament, Li Yuaner was able to win the endorsement last year, and I heard that the president of VODE/JOHN sold her sister's favor."

  This sister is of course not Tang Li.

   Feng Qi didn't mention the Li family, and continued: "You were personally selected by the little old German man. He likes your short hair style very much and thinks your temperament is very international.

  Actually, I got the news a few days ago that if Li Yuaner didn't have an accident, VODE/JOHN should renew her contract. After yesterday's incident, the company executives stopped talking, and they sent the contract this morning. "

  This contract is a pleasant surprise for Tang Li.

   She signed it without any hesitation.

The shooting of   VODE/JOHN's new season commercial is just a few days ago.

   "I was in a hurry." Feng Qi put away the contract and asked Tang Li to go back to make preparations: "No accident, before you enter the crew of "Huang Fei", the filming will take place."

  Tang Li nodded in response.

   After talking about work, she left Feng Qi's office.

   Yuan Qin was waiting in the corridor.

  Tang Li saw that it was getting dark outside, so he asked Yuan Qin to get off work, and he asked the driver to take him back to school.

   Yuan Qin left IMG and went to Yunqi Villa.

   arrived at the villa, almost 7 pm,

  Song Boyan is having dinner.

   Yuan Qin went directly to the restaurant after entering the room. When he saw Song Boyan at the table, he respectfully called "Your Excellency", Song Boyan raised his head, and his gentle gaze fell on Yuan Qin: "Miss Tang is back to school?"

   "After talking at the company, the driver sent it back."

   Yuan Qin said, and made a brief report on the events of the past two days.

   When asked about Tang Li's personal situation, Yuan Qin paused and then said, "Miss Tang's cell phone is very old, and her manager wants her to change it."

   (end of this chapter)

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