Chapter 419 Do you miss me?

  Song Boyan put down his chopsticks and asked Yuan Qin, "What kind of mobile phone?"

  Although Song Boyan's words were brief, Yuan Qin could understand them, and immediately replied, "I didn't say that, because Miss Tang didn't agree, and she felt that her phone was fine."

   Having said this, Yuan Qin shared his thoughts: "IPHONE is more popular now, especially in universities, there are almost one person."

   After Yuan Qin left, Song Boyan also planned to go upstairs.

   walked out of the dining room and passed the living room. The Tibetan Mastiff was lying on the sofa and biting something. Song Boyan went over and found that it was a head rope.

   A little bunny is set on the pink headband.

  Sit on the sofa, Song Boyan took the head rope and tied the Tibetan Mastiff to the sky.

   Then, get up and go upstairs.

   came to the study, he was standing at the table.

   On the coffee table not far away, there are electronic cigarettes brought from school.

   He was too busy to smoke these two days. Now that he saw the electronic cigarettes in the bag, he naturally thought of Tang Lilai.

  Song Boyan picked up the mobile phone on the desk and made a call.

  Tang Li just finished taking a shower when his cell phone rang.

   In the dormitory, everyone else is there.

  Tang Li glanced at Wu Xuehan and Yu Sui, then took the mobile phone to the balcony, afraid that people inside would hear her, she lowered her voice slightly: "Hello?"

   "What are you doing?" came the man's deep voice.

  Tang Li only felt a little itchy in his ears: "I'm going to do laundry."

After   , she took the initiative to ask: "Call me, is there anything?"

   There was a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone.

   Then, Song Boyan's voice entered her cochlea again: "Can't you make a phone call if you have nothing to do?"

   "..." Tang Li pursed his lips.

   She turned around and leaned back against the balcony fence, her voice uncontrollably softened: "Of course you can call, but aren't you busy? It takes a lot of time to make a phone call, and it's not good to disturb your work."

  Song Boyan asked her again, "What did you do today?"

   "Go to the company to meet the agent." Tang Li explained according to the facts: "By the way, I signed a contract with a high-end clothing brand, and I will shoot a commercial in a few days."

"not nervous?"

   "Why are you nervous?"

   Her rhetorical question was exchanged for Song Boyan's smile.

  The temperature on Tang Li's face rose, and he pursed the corners of his lips: "What about you, what are you doing?"

   "There are still some materials that have not been read yet."


Tang Li held the phone, turned around and lay on the balcony. The night wind blew the short hair beside her ear, bringing a faint fruity fragrance. What she thought in her mind was that she had contacted once a few months ago. Gradually, they contacted more and more. He got up, and later, he began to contact himself actively.

   This change is imperceptible.

  Tang Li said slowly: " you miss me?"


  The man on the other end of the phone didn't deny it. Tang Li's mouth couldn't help but increase in curvature, and then he heard Song Boyan's advice: "It's past nine o'clock, so you should rest early after washing your clothes."

   Hanging up the phone, Tang Li stood on the balcony for a while.

   recalled the content of the call, let the evening wind blow away the heat on his face, and then pushed open the door and entered.

  Song Boyan put down his phone and called Ji Ming to the main building.

   Ten minutes later, Ji Ming came out of the study.

   Going downstairs, he met a young maid, stopped her and asked, "What kind of mobile phones do girls your age like?"

   "Of course IphoneX!"

   The maid said, and smiled shyly: "It's a pity I can't afford it."

   The next morning, Tang Li received a box from Ji Ming.

   opened, it is a brand new IphoneX.

   The update is finished today~

   I won't be changing in the early morning, because Erjiang is going to hang water tomorrow morning, and I plan to free up the afternoon to code words, so everyone should rest early~ Qunbobo



   (end of this chapter)

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