After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 462: I see you owe her a lifetime

   Chapter 462 I think you owe her in a previous life

   When Tang Li checked the ticket, he couldn't help but turn his head.

  Song Boyan was standing not far away, watching her leave, and when Tang Li disappeared from the ticket gate, he turned around and left the waiting hall.

   Outside the bus station, Ji Ming has opened the rear door.

  Song Boyan came here in private.

   Therefore, the driver was not driving the president's exclusive car, nor was it an eye-catching luxury car, just an ordinary black car.

   Even so, there are still many bodyguards accompanying him.

   After Song Boyan got into the car, he followed Ji Ming who got in the car, and turned his head from the passenger cab: "The old lady brought a phone call just now. She went to Tan Palace and didn't see you in the office."

  Tomorrow is the day the Song family will stay in the Tan Palace.

  Xiao Minglan had already prepared her luggage. She went to check it out in the afternoon. As a result, she found that Song Boyan had gone out without notifying the Secret Service.

   Back to Tan Palace, Song Boyan saw his mother as soon as he entered the office.

  Xiao Minglan was sitting on the sofa area with her handbag on her lap. She was putting the water glass back on the coffee table. When she looked up and saw Song Boyan coming back, she said first, "I asked Ji Ming, he said you were at the station."

In the early years, Ji Ming was Song Mingzhang's orderly, and later he was transferred to Song Boyan's side. Ji Ming was only a few years younger than Song Boyan. Xiao Minglan thought of him as a half son when he was young. Therefore, the news about Song Boyan, Unless it is important, usually, when Xiao Minglan asks, Ji Ming will tell the truth.

  Song Boyan took off his suit and hung it on the hanger: "In my opinion, Ji Ming's eyeliner is more promising than being the chief guard."

   "Stop making jokes with me." Xiao Minglan said: "What status are you now, you suddenly ran to the long-distance bus station, Ji Ming didn't say who it was, I can guess one or two."

   said, and looked at his son who was unbuttoning his shirt cufflinks: "You insist on being with her, and I won't say anything anymore, but you shouldn't do things that don't care about your identity."

  Song Boyan raised his head: "In your eyes, I'm already so useless?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't use it or not." Xiao Minglan sighed, but she said rudely: "Whose body is not made of iron, if you encounter something outside, can she take responsibility? You are not a small person, even if you want to coax her , but also to distinguish the weight.”

Hearing the prejudice against Tang Li in Xiao Minglan's words, Song Boyan stopped rolling up his shirt sleeves, and then said, "She has no relatives in the capital, but now she goes out of town, since I have time, it's nothing to give her a ride. ."

   For a while, Xiao Minglan was speechless to refute.

   She wanted to protect her son, she said no amount would help.

   After a while, Xiao Minglan said, "What's the difference between you and Seling Zhi faint?"

   "For men, it is inevitable that the color will make the mind faint."

   Song Boyan said, taking a panoramic view of the expression on Xiao Minglan's face: "As long as it doesn't involve the big right and the wrong, even if the color is a little faint, it is not a big problem that is difficult to talk about."


   After a while, Xiao Minglan said, "I think you owe her in a previous life."

  Song Boyan just smiled.

   After eight o'clock in the evening, Tang Li arrived at Lishan Film and Television City.

  The crew is only responsible for Tang Li's food, accommodation and transportation, while Yuan Qin's daily expenses are reimbursed to IMG.

   That night, Tang Li went to see director Zhao Zhenglei, but met Li Yuaner first.

  Li Yuaner just returned to the hotel after the show, with long hair and a shawl, she was still wearing an ancient palace dress, and Shen Na was behind to help her pull the skirt.

   The moment she saw Tang Li, Li Yuaner's eyes suddenly turned red.

   I'm slow _(:з"∠)_ continue to code, I plan to post the rest of the updates later, I'm afraid you can't wait, I'll update as soon as possible...



   (end of this chapter)

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