After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 463: Message of encouragement from Mr. Song

   Chapter 463 Mr. Song's encouraging text message

   The enemy is very jealous when they meet, which should be the situation.

   In the aisle, Tang Li ignored Li Yuaner, passed her, and went straight to the director's room.

Zhao Zhenglei discussed the script with the male and female lead actors in the room. In addition to the heroine Tong Jing, Tang Li also met the male lead Li Yanxin at the last boot press conference. Li Yanxin is not only a powerful actor who has won many times as a star, but also a member of the Performance Department of the Capital Film Academy. Lecturer.

   In front of 30-year-old Tong Jing and 42-year-old Li Yanxin, Tang Li, who will turn 20 in a few months, is not only a newcomer but also a junior.

  Because of Tang Li's arrival, the two leading actors packed up the script and left first.

Earlier, there was an accident at the launch press conference, and the producers were quite critical of Tang Li and Li Yuaner. Later, Tang Li was cleared of the suspicion of drug use, but Li Yuaner was trapped in it and couldn't get out, also because of Li Yuaner's background , the crew didn't replace anyone.

  Tang Li arrived on the set, and the first thing Zhao Zhenglei asked her to do was to send and receive.

   also told her about the scenes to be filmed tomorrow.

In the first scene of Tang Lijin's group, she was brought back to the palace by Emperor Zhou Qing. In the script, this scene was the climax of the second half of the TV series. It also revealed that the heroine Qi and Emperor Zhou's new favorite Mrs. The upcoming battle in the harem.

   After Tang Li was done, he did not forget to send a text message to Song Boyan to report his safety.

   told him in the second text message that he would go to post tomorrow morning and film the first scene of "Concubine Huang" in the afternoon.

At the end of the text message, Tang Li typed a few words: "I'm a little nervous."

   When she came out of the shower, there was already Song Boyan's reply message on her phone.

  ——is a poem in "Tidi and Nephew's Book Hall".

   "Young people work hard all their lives, don't be lazy about time."

  Tang Li grasped the mobile phone and deciphered the general meaning of the poem: When a person is a teenager, studying hard and exercising is to lay the foundation for the future. Don't slack off in that precious time.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she looked at this encouraging text message, and the originally anxious emotions gradually became calm, and there was a faint realization that no matter what she encountered outside, he was a harbor where she could go back, and she was here. In the world, you can rely on the person you can trust.

  The next day, Tang Li went to the crew to make up after receiving the hair.

Different from the court makeup of other actresses, Bao Xin, who has just entered Beijing, is a country girl who can no longer be soiled. Even if Emperor Zhou Qing asked someone to pick her up in advance, in terms of temperament, she was still favored by Emperor Zhou Qing. Her concubine dumped a street.

The most important thing is that Tang Li must perform Baoxin after getting off the carriage and seeing the shocked but clean eyes of the huge palace in front of her. Her simple appearance arouses the love of Zhou Qingdi, and then Zhou Qingdi ignores the etiquette system. , leading her all the way into the Weiyang Palace.

  Tang Li's makeup took nearly an hour.

   She has changed into the Zhou Dynasty costume prepared by the crew.

After putting on makeup, Tang Li took a thermos cup, took a sip of boiling water, and just screwed on the lid of the cup, the staff opened the door of the dressing room and saw Tang Li standing in front of the mirror, stunned for a moment, and then said: " Teacher Tang, the director asked me to inform you that the next play is yours."

  In the crew, regardless of seniority, the staff will call the actors a teacher.

   "Okay, I see." Tang Li smiled.

   When the door of the dressing room was closed again, Tang Li cast his eyes on the mirror again, looking at his ancient costume with red clothes and dark eyebrows. He slowly closed his eyes and opened them again, showing a certain confidence and calmness.

   She told herself in her heart—

   From this moment on, you are no longer Tang Li, but Bao Xin.

   Continue to code, there will be at least two more nights...



   (end of this chapter)

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