After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 475: It's not that there is no way to deal with her

   Chapter 475 It's Not That There Is No Way To Deal With Her

   Knowing that her scene had been deleted, Li Yuaner lost her temper, but could not resist the joint persuasion of Li Shengxia and Sister Wen. The next morning, she obediently went back to the crew to film.

When    arrived on the set, Li Yuaner went to the director to apologize.

"Because of the premiere of "Original Sin", seeing that everyone likes the drama version of Ying Xuan'er so much, I can't be without pressure. It happened that Tang Li and I were in the same crew, and netizens compared us, plus the previous drug possession incident... ...Anyway, it's true that I am self-willed."

Sitting behind the monitor, Zhao Zhenglei looked at Li Yuaner's red eyes, and seemed to be sincerely repenting, thinking that she was still young and making mistakes was inevitable, so he didn't blame her any more: "Go to put on makeup, don't make everyone wait. you alone!"

  Li Yuan'er nodded and went to the dressing room immediately.

  Tang Li was reading the script in the corridor not far away. After Li Yuaner left, he caught a glimpse of Zhao Zhenglei asking the assistant director to call the screenwriter over.

"It's time to admit the mistake." Meng Ling regarded the script as a fan, and looked at the director: "If Li Yuaner doesn't come today, her role will really be gone. Now to apologize, I will delete a few scenes. , it won't really be finished in advance."

   In the dressing room, Li Yuaner's condition was not very good.

  The makeup girl helped her finish her makeup, and was called by the staff to touch up the actors' makeup.

   At this moment, Sister Wen's cell phone rang.

   When Sister Wen went out, only Li Yuaner and Shen Na were left in the room.

Li Yuaner couldn't be happy when she thought that her five scenes had turned into one today. She has been in the entertainment industry for many years. Of course, she knows that the more important the scene, the more she can show the character's character, but now, she is devoted to protecting the master Seven or eight games less.

  Because she didn't come two days ago, in order to catch up with the schedule, the crew directly deleted her role in the filming of the rival scene between Mrs. Bao and Mrs. Qi!

"Who knows if someone put eye drops on you at the director's place." Shen Na unscrewed the lid of the water glass and handed it to Li Yuan'er: "That Tang Li has always been hostile to you, otherwise, the crew wouldn't let it go. The people call her Xuan'er, she just wants to make you angry, you don't come to film, just as she wishes!"

  Li Yuan'er was drinking water, remembering the explanation from the elder sister on the phone, telling her not to fight with Tang Li, and to return to the capital after the filming of the An Xin trick.

Sister   wen also said that she should rely on her works to consolidate her status in the entertainment industry, rather than let her petty temper consume the popularity she has accumulated over the years.

  Whether it's the eldest sister or the sister Wen, they all think it's her who is at fault.

   also forced her to admit her mistakes to the director.

   Thinking like this, Li Yuan'er's chest is like pressing a boulder, so depressed she wants to kill!

  Shen Na suddenly said: "Actually, it's not that there is no way to deal with her."

   Hearing this, Li Yuan'er looked at her: "What can I do?"

   Shen Na's face was mysterious, she put her hand to her mouth, leaned forward and whispered to Li Yuaner.

  Li Yuan'er raised the corners of her lips after hearing this.

  Tang Li came out of the bathroom and met Li Yuaner dressed in a palace dress. In fact, she should not have said that, because Li Yuaner was obviously waiting for her.

Seeing Tang Li, Li Yuan'er came over and said, "I was wrong in the past, and I have nothing to do with you. I have had a lot of reflection in the past two days, and I also want to apologize to you. Isn't the crew resting tomorrow? If you Willing to forgive me, we will go out for dinner at noon."

Beside   , the staff happened to pass by.

  Tang Li looked at Li Yuaner's expression of genuine remorse, and slightly curved the corners of his lips: "You have already said so, no matter how much I refuse, it will not sound good."

   There are four more chapters to come, I will soon...



   (end of this chapter)

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