After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 476: Dogs can't stop eating shit

   Chapter 476 Dogs can't change to eat shit

"Then it's settled." Li Yuan'er pursed her lips and smiled. In the afternoon sun, she was wearing a pink Zhou Dynasty palace uniform, pure and beautiful: "After dinner, we can go bungee jumping, you just came here to film. I don't know, my friends and I played a few times last year."

  The curvature of Tang Li's mouth also deepened: "I've grown so big, I haven't played bungee jumping before."

  "..." Li Yuan'er secretly thought to a country bumpkin, with a sweet smile on her face: "It's alright, I can play with you, and Shen Na, she also has a bungee jumping challenge certificate."

  Tang Li nodded: "Then try it tomorrow."

   At night, Tang Li finished filming and explained to Yuan Qin on the way back to the hotel: "I'm going out to play with the cast and crew tomorrow, so I can't take you with me."

   On the passenger seat, Yuan Qin looked over.

  According to Song Boyan's instructions, except for sleeping at night, he must follow Tang Li every step of the way, not to monitor, but to prevent her from having an accident during filming.


   Yuan Qin remembered your extra advice, not to let him affect Tang Li's normal life.

  Thinking like this, he nodded: "Then I'll stay at the hotel tomorrow."

   "Xiaoyuan, I found something wrong with your work attitude." Tang Li suddenly said, "I thought you would say, to ensure my safety, you can follow us far behind."

   "..." Yuan Qin.

   He planned this in his heart, but he couldn't say it!

   After getting off the car, Tang Li stopped at the door of the hotel, turned his head and told Yuan Qin: "I've thought about it, you should follow quietly, it's better to pretend to be."

   Yuan Qin: "..."

   Tang Li just walked into the room and received a call from Feng Qi.

   Knowing that she was going out to play with Li Yuaner, Feng Qi was surprised, and then said: "It's not a bad thing to get back together with your family."

   Who knows, Tang Li's answer is not like this: "Me and the Li family have reached the point where we will never die, and we will never be able to laugh at our grudges."

   "Then how do you..."

   "Just wanted to see what she was up to."

  Tang Li paused and said, "After all, dogs can never get rid of their feces-eating problems."

   Feng Qi: "..."

   At noon the next day, the landline phone in Tang Li's room rang.

   In the nanny car downstairs, Li Yuaner did not let Sister Wen follow her, but only brought Shen Na. After a while, she saw Tang Li wearing a mask and came out through the revolving door.

   "She really came." Shen Na said.

Li Yuan'er sneered and watched Tang Li come. A country bumpkin from such a small place was hard-hearted before, but she was unwilling. Now she took the initiative to show her love. She really thought she was also a serious lady of the Li family. , is simply a fool's dream!

   Waiting for Tang Li to get in the car, Li Yuaner put away her real thoughts, pursed her lips and smiled: "Shen Na has already booked a restaurant near the bungee jumping, how about we go there to eat?"

  Tang Li nodded: "You decide, I don't care."

On the way   , Shen Na spoke first: "Miss Tang, do you know? You are in a mess now, and many netizens have become your fans!"

"Really?" Tang Li turned his head and looked at her with a smile: "Since I have so many fans, you have to be careful when you use [Wing Chunzi]'s account to leave a message, so as not to be sprayed by my fans, even if you are Yuan'er Assistant, I can't help you then."

  Shen Na: "..."

  Li Yuan'er: "..."

Tang Li ignored them, picked up the magazine in the car, flipped through it, it was Shen Na, and twitched his lips: "Miss Tang seems to have misunderstood me, to tell you the truth, my ins account is [Na? Aiyuan'er], not something [Wing Chunzi]."

   (end of this chapter)

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