Chapter 813 Crazy

  Ouyang Qian clenched her phone tightly, her palms sweaty, and sent a message to Dr. Park, but still got no response.

   To call the secretary, it is also turned off.

  Ouyang Qian is not a fool, she vaguely guessed something in her heart.

  Dr. Park was found by her secretary. Now the two of them can't be in contact at the same time. Doctor just said, the suture level of the scar on Xia Xia's face is extremely bad, what else can't you understand?

   Even so, Ouyang Qian continued to call.

   Because she didn't want it to be true!

  Xia Xia was pushed into the operating room, the doctor's expression was not very good, as if telling her that Xia Xia's face could not recover again.

  Ouyang Qian had no masters, so Li Wenyan called his assistant directly.

   He asked Jiang Yuan to go to Ouyang Qian's secretary's house immediately.

   Less than half an hour later, Jiang Yuan called.

  Ouyang Qian's secretary ran away.

   Yesterday afternoon, the other party returned the rented apartment. According to the information found by Jiang Yuan, the other party flew to South Korea with a passport this morning!

   As for Dr. Park in Ouyang Qian's mouth.

   In the early morning, Li Wenyan also asked someone to find out the identity of the other party.

   The other party is not a well-known cosmetic surgeon at all.

  Although he graduated from a related major, he was a janitor in a Korean hospital. The other party and Ouyang Qian's secretary knew each other. Secretary Ouyang Qian once studied in South Korea, and they attended a school. The truth is already obvious.

  Secretary Ouyang Qian noticed that Li Shengxia's face was not recovering well, so he simply took the surgery fee shared by him and Dr. Park and went straight away.

  Ouyang Qian never imagined that her secretary would do such a thing for money.

   She doesn't care about the money, but she can't ignore Xia Xia!

   Li Wenyan's face stinks terribly.

   Bad things came one after another, catching him off guard.

   Not long after, the doctor came out of the operating room.

   He asked the family to prepare psychologically: "Now that the reoperation has been delayed, it is likely to leave scars. Even if the repair operation is performed in the future, the effect will be minimal."

   Hearing this, Ouyang Qian's face faded away.

how so……

  Xia Xia is her most beloved daughter, how can there be such a big scar on her face? !

  Ouyang Qian is familiar with the pride in Li Shengxia's heart. If she knows that her face is not good, what will she do in the future?

   Mrs. Lai grabbed the doctor's arm and asked if there was any remedy.

  The doctor's answer disappointed them.

   "You should be glad that the nerves on her face haven't died, otherwise, the situation will only get worse."

   Old Madam Li swayed slightly, thinking that her granddaughter was not only imprisoned, but also disfigured, she couldn't bear such a blow.

   As for Li Wenyan, his face couldn't be darker.

   In his opinion, this is all done by Li Shengxia himself!

  If she didn't find someone to kidnap and sell Tang Li, she wouldn't fall out with that foreigner later, plant herself in it, and make him a father!

   Not long after, Li Shengxia was pushed out of the operating room.

   The scar on Li Shengxia's face needs surgery on another day.

   Cleaning the wound is done with local anesthesia.

   In the ward, Ouyang Qian was thinking about how to comfort her daughter, but Li Shengxia's eyes were unfamiliar.

   To be more precise, she looked at everyone in a weird way.

  Li Shengxia raised his hand to touch his right face, and muttered, "Who are you? Why am I here?"

   "Xia Xia." Ouyang Qian approached.

  Li Shengxia avoided the side of the bed and shrugged his neck like a frightened bird: "Don't touch me! I don't know you, don't touch me!"

   (end of this chapter)

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