Chapter 814 Temptation

  Ouyang Qian reached out and hugged her daughter: "Xia Xia, what's wrong with you, don't scare mom!"

   Who knows, Li Shengxia waved her hand away from touching.

"Don't touch me! I don't know you! I don't know you!" Li Shengxia was frightened, her eyes flashing, when Ouyang Qian approached again, she grabbed the pillow on the bed and waved it randomly: "Don't come here, you devils, Do not come near me!"

   Said, she pointed to a certain position in the corner of the wall, and her body trembled: "Ghost! There is a ghost! Don't come here... My face hurts, it hurts!"

   Li Shengxia blushed and fell on the bed covering his face.

   She had a unkempt hair and curled up, but she didn't allow anyone to touch her.

  Ouyang Qian wanted to hug her, but was bitten hard!

  Li Shengxia bit Ouyang Qian's wrist with all her might. The medical staff stepped forward to stop him, and it took a lot of effort to pull the person away.

   "Bad man!" Li Shengxia glared at Ouyang Qian with blood on the corner of his mouth: "Bite you to death! See if you dare to harm me!"

   Li Shengxia's abnormality was seen by everyone.

  Ouyang Qian endured the pain in her wrist and looked at her daughter who was under control, her eyes were sore, she couldn't believe this fact.

   "Sister, what's the matter with you?" Li Yuan'er's face was pale.

   She stood by the bed and saw Li Shengxia screaming because of her struggle, and she was so scared that tears fell.

   Mrs. Lai kept calling out her granddaughter's name.

What    got in exchange was Li Shengxia's increasingly sharp cry.

   "You all want to harm me! You evil ghosts!" Li Shengxia cried out, crying in fear: "I'm so scared, I want to go home! Don't eat me, I want to go home!"

   Two detectives stood by the door, neither entering nor exiting.

   They didn't expect the suspect to be crazy!

  In the ward, Li Shengxia finally broke free from the restraints of the medical staff and slammed his head against the wall.

   "Kill you devils to death!" Li Shengxia kept hitting his head against the wall, and his forehead suddenly became red and swollen: "I want to die with you! Let you harm me! Let you harm me!"

   She looked like she had lost her pain nerve.

  When Li Shengxia was pulled by the medical staff, he couldn't hit the wall, so he could only scream and struggle.

  Li Wenyan saw that her daughter was crazy. Out of the corner of the eye, she caught a glimpse of the two detectives, and her face became even more ugly: "You have already forced her to be like this, do you still want to take her back and lock her up for interrogation?!"

   The detectives looked at each other and had to go out first.

   Not long after, the head of the criminal police received a call and rushed to the hospital.

   The moment he stepped into the ward, he saw Li Shengxia hiding at the head of the bed holding the quilt, not allowing anyone to approach, her forehead was smashed, and the blood clotted.

   The head of the criminal police is also considered a past experience. Some prisoners usually pretend to be mentally ill in order to avoid responsibility, especially the rich. It is not difficult to get a certificate.

   Therefore, when he saw Li Shengxia's situation, his first reaction was that she was pretending to be crazy.

   To prove this, the head of the criminal police picked up the glass on the bedside table, threw it on the ground, pointed to the glass residue on the ground and said, "If you eat this, we will send you home."

   This kind of play made the Li family furious.

   "Don't deceive people too much!" Li Wenyan gritted his teeth.

  Who knows, Li Shengxia let go of the quilt in his arms and threw himself on the ground: "Go home, I want to go home! I want to eat stars!"

   When Ouyang Qian reacted, Li Shengxia had already grabbed a handful of glass **** and was about to put it in his mouth.

   Even if he was stopped, Li Shengxia's hand was dripping with blood.

   (end of this chapter)

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