Chapter 815

  Tang Li received a call from Li Wenyan, it was past four in the morning.

   Knowing that Li Shengxia's spirit was in serious trouble, Tang Li leaned against the bedside with his mobile phone in his hand, not too surprised or happy.

   Li Wenyan called to ask her to go to the hospital.

  —— Send some clothes to Li Shengxia.

   Li Shengxia's current situation, it is difficult for the servants at home to know.

   At this time, there is no taxi outside.

   Tang Li realized this and did not call Li Wenyan. He took two sets of clothes from Li Shengxia's bedroom. After going downstairs, he found a set of keys in the small drawer of the kitchen and drove the servant's electric car.

   About half an hour later, Tang Li arrived at the hospital.

   She went directly from the emergency building.

   Outside the ward, Tang Li saw the detective, and when he walked to the door, he heard a scream.

  Tang Li looked inside, Ouyang Qian was holding Li Shengxia firmly, Li Shengxia's hands were bloodstained and was being held by the doctor to treat the wound.

The    scream was made by Li Shengxia.

   She kept kicking her legs, trying to break free from Ouyang Qian's arms.

   Li Wenyan was standing aside with a sullen face.

   At this moment, Li Yuan'er led Old Madam Li out of the bathroom.

When Mrs. Li saw Tang Li, her emotions surged again, thinking about the madness of her eldest granddaughter, and she hated the broom star more and more in her heart: "Who asked you to come here! He has hurt our Li family again and again, and now he is driving me crazy again. My granddaughter, what the **** did he do to bring about such a scourge as you!"

   said, he stepped forward to grab Tang Li's T-shirt, and greeted Tang Li with his cane: "Get out of here! You shameless broom star!"

  Tang Li didn't reach for the crutches.

When the crutch fell on her arm, she did not move her brows and eyes, as if Mrs. Li didn't exist, she just looked at Li Wenyan, since there were outsiders, she called out to her uncle, and then said: "I brought the eldest sister's clothes, If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

   The voice fell, and Tang Li also put the paper bag on the chair.

  Li Yuan'er picked up the paper bag and smashed it at Tang Li's feet, and the clothes inside fell out.

   She glared at Tang Li and said coldly: "My sister is crazy now, Tang Li, it's all thanks to you, are you happy? Don't come here and be kind, we don't need it!"

  Tang Li and her looked at each other, but his eyes were not angry: "I am here because of my uncle, do you think I come here rarely?"

  Li Yuan'er gnashed her teeth when she heard this.

   Thinking of her suddenly crazy sister, her eyes were scarlet and her body trembled.

"Grandma is right, you are the broom star! If it weren't for you, our family would be fine, because of your presence, our family will become what it is now!" Li Yuan'er looked at Tang Li and hated her heart: "Tang Li, why don't you die! How can someone like you still have the face to live in the world?!"

  The position of Tang Li Station just turned his back to Li Wenyan.

   Hearing this, she raised the corners of her lips at Li Yuaner.

   This smile fell in Li Yuan'er's eyes and was extremely provocative!

   "You shameless bastard..."


   Li Yuan'er was interrupted sharply by her father before she could finish her sentence.

   In the ward, there are also medical staff present.

   Li Yuaner's open mouth made Li Wenyan's face even more ugly.

  The big one will cause trouble for him, and the small one will not worry!

   At this moment, Li Wenyan realized that among the three daughters, Tang Li was the one who stopped the most. In the past, he felt that Tang Li was tossing and turning, but after thinking about it carefully, the other two provoked it first!

  Li Wenyan thought so, and said, "I asked Ali to come here. If you have any opinions, come directly to my father!"

   (end of this chapter)

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