Chapter 849

  What Song Boyan decided, Xiao Minglan naturally wouldn't shake his head.

  After dinner, she called Bai's house and asked Mrs. Bai to visit Li's house tomorrow.

   Mrs. Bai was here as an introducer for both parties.

   Tang Li vaguely sensed the good mood of the Li family.

   It's just that the Li family kept a close eye on what was going on, so she didn't ask much.

   The next day, after Tang Li got up, thinking about having dinner with Yu Sui and the others, he ordered a restaurant online. When she went downstairs, the restaurant had already sent her a private room number.

  In the restaurant, Mrs. Li and Li Wenyan and their wife are both there.

   As for Li Yuan'er, she hasn't gotten up yet.

  Tang Li didn't sit down for breakfast. Under the contemptuous eyes of Mrs. Li, he took a sandwich and went out with his backpack on one shoulder.

   Just came out of Li's house when Tang Li saw a car on the side of the road.

  A graceful old lady is getting out of the car.

   The other party looked in his sixties, and there was an aunt next to him.

  At the door of Li's house, Tang Li noticed them, and they also found Tang Li.

  Tang Li guessed that the other party was a guest of the Li family and had little to do with him, so he didn't stay long.

   Mrs. Bai didn't know Tang Li, but last night, she saw Tang Li's photos, so now, she looked at Tang Li a little familiar.

   Before she could say anything, the other party turned around and left.

  The old lady Bai asked the aunt next to her: "Is that her?"

   "It looks like it." Auntie took out a photo from her pocket and handed it to Mrs. Bai: "It also came from Li's house, so I guess there is nothing wrong."

   Today, the old lady Bai came here to come to kiss her and to meet the elders of the Li family.

  It doesn't matter if the person concerned is not there.

  So, the old lady Bai asked her aunt to ring the doorbell directly.

  In the villa, Mrs. Li learned that the old lady of the Bai family suddenly came to the door, and she didn't respond for a while: "How did she come to our house?"

   The Li Bai family had little friendship.

   At the door of the restaurant, the servant said, "I said I'm here to help."

   "What do you mean?" Mrs. Li was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at her son: "Have you been in contact with the Bai family recently?"

   "I don't have it, but the Song family and the Bai family have."

  Li Wenyan gave birth to a certain guess, saying the word kiss, which lingered in his ears: "Bai Yiqian is the current Minister of Finance. He has a close relationship with Song Boyan, and the two are very close."

   Hearing the words, Ouyang Qian also guessed something: "Did she come to kiss Yuan'er?"

   As for who the man is, he is ready to tell!

   Old Madam Li was excited, and immediately ordered the servant: "Hurry up, let the guests in soon."

As she said that, she also stood up, even a little dizzy. She wanted to meet the people in person. While urging Ouyang Qian to go upstairs to wake up her granddaughter, she asked her son to call. Since she was here to kiss, call more people over, it was lively. Fun is also good!

On the way   , Tang Li received a call from Mother Wu.

   Mother Wu told her that there seemed to be someone from a very high-ranking family who came to kiss Li Yuaner.

   At this moment, the introducer is sitting in the living room of Li's house.

   In her previous life, Li Yuaner was engaged to the only son of the next vice president. Tang Li did not expect that her life would be so many years earlier.

   Meanwhile, the Li family.

   Mrs. Li thought she heard it wrong, looked at Mrs. Bai and asked again, "You said just now, who are you here to kiss?"

   "Tang Li." The old lady Bai repeated: "It was the Song family who asked me to kiss her. Song Boyan, your Excellency, has a crush on the girl who lives in your Li family!"

   In the stairwell, there was the sound of a mobile phone landing.

   Mrs. Li turned her head, her little granddaughter was standing on the steps, her face was pale.

   (end of this chapter)

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