Chapter 850

How could    be Tang Li? !

   How could Song Boyan fall in love with an illegitimate daughter? !

Mrs. Li didn't care about comforting her granddaughter, and asked Mrs. Bai again for confirmation: "Are you sure it's Tang Li? We only have two granddaughters in the Li family, one is called Sheng Xia and the other is called Yuan'er. Would you like to call and ask if it is in the middle? What went wrong?"

   Mrs. Bai looked at Mrs. Li's reaction. She was inexplicable. She was here to kiss her. It stands to reason that a man like Song Boyan would not agree to any girl he liked?

   Why does the Li family feel like they have seen a ghost?

Being questioned again and again, Mrs. Bai was also a little unhappy: "Speaking of the relationship, Mrs. Song greeted me half a month ago. Last night, she told me thousands of times, and she sent me the photo, how could I make a mistake? "

   Mrs. Li was stunned.

   Didn't mean Yuan'er, how could she become Tang Li? !

  Ouyang Qian went upstairs to wake up her daughter. She washed her hair in a hurry, and before she had time to tie her hair, she ran downstairs after changing clothes, unable to hide her excitement.

   As a result, the word Tang Li was like a bolt from the blue!

   Ouyang Qian was also stunned and couldn't come back to her senses.

   What is Song Boyan's identity, how could he fall in love with Tang Li?

   Are his eyes covered in shit? !

  Li Wenyan called to inform relatives and friends, stepped into the villa again, and noticed that the atmosphere was not right, especially Mrs. Li, whose hands were trembling slightly while holding a cane. As for Ouyang Qian, her face changed rapidly, as if she had received some bad news.

   "What's going on?" Li Wenyan asked aloud.

   Mrs. Li's brain was confused and she was speechless. How could the broom star, which she always looked down upon, become a golden phoenix soaring into the sky? !

   In her opinion, Tang Li has been hooking up with men all his life, how could there be a decent marriage, and now it's better, it has caught Song Boyan's eyes.

  Li Yuan'er turned around and ran back upstairs!

Seeing the Li family, Mrs. Bai is not normal, so she can only talk to Li Wenyan: "Today, Mrs. Song asked me to come to say hello to your Excellency. Your Excellency is also thirty-two this year. Over the years, you have always been busy with government affairs. I saw the girl named Tang Li earlier, and I heard that she is a relative of the Li family, so let me go, and if there is no problem, the two families will settle the marriage."

   "You said that Tang Li was your favorite?"

   "Otherwise?" The more old Mrs. Bai looked at the family, the more strange she became: "Who do you think your Excellency wants to marry?"

  Li Wenyan only felt hot and cold on his body.

   At the dinner table that day, Song Boyan clearly said "the daughter of the Li family".


   Song Boyan knew that Tang Li was his daughter?

   At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the villa.

   Fang's aunt's happy voice followed closely: "We Yuan'er are really going to be the president's wife? This is a big happy event, let alone fireworks for three days and three nights!"

   Mrs. Bai: "..."

  Li Wenyan: "..."

  Ouyang Qian: "..."

  The old lady Bai still doesn't understand, the dare-qing family has made a mistake.


   The one Song Boyan wants to marry is not the one the Li family wants!

   There was an oolong, and the old lady Bai didn't know what to say: "How to do it specifically, the Song family will probably have a charter, so I'll leave first."

   When Mrs. Bai's figure was far away, Mrs. Li didn't hold back and fell to the ground.

   Li Wenyan hurriedly supported his mother and pinched her.

   Not long after, Mrs. Li woke up faintly and grabbed her son's wrist: "Why is it Tang Li? How can it be Tang Li!"

   (end of this chapter)

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