Chapter 866 Late night, temptation

   "Let the chef make a new one."

  Tang Li listened, and the corners of his lips curved slightly: "Actually, what I did just now, there is still a lot left!"

   "..." Song Boyan.

"I'll get it from the kitchen." Tang Li pulled away from the chair and just stood up. The chef was still standing by the door. At this moment, he finally said, "Miss Tang's pasta tastes good. I was greedy just now. It's embarrassing to say, I've eaten too much."

   After finishing speaking, the chef looked at Song Boyan with a wink.

   - Sure enough.

  Mr. Song didn't blame him, only explained to him: "Then make another copy."

  The chef understands and turns to enter the kitchen.

  Tang Li sat back at the table, resting his chin in his hands, and turned his eyes to Song Boyan: "Aren't you going to eat?"

   A slight smile appeared on Song Boyan's mouth, and he held a fork in his right hand: "With such a large plate of noodles, are you going to eat dinner directly?"

   "Also." Tang Li stretched out his hand and pushed the plate towards Song Boyan: "Since it tastes good, then you can eat more."

   said, she pursed her lower lip.

Song Boyan noticed Tang Li's small movements, and took advantage of the situation to squeeze her small hand, the warmth of the man's palm was conveyed to the back of her hand, and the man's warm voice sounded: "Knowing that there are too many seasonings, do you want me to eat all the noodles? "

   "...No." Tang Li defended.

   As the words fell, she wanted to draw out her hand.

   Song Boyan did not let go of his strength.

   "Do you really want me to finish this plate of noodles?"

   This sentence, Tang Li heard a bit of sultry taste, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he said: "If you don't want to eat, no one can force you."

  Song Boyan just smiled.

   Then, he let go of Tang Li's hand and picked up the fork again.

When the chef brought out another portion of pasta, Song Baiyan had already eaten two-thirds of the pasta. During this period, he drank more than half of the water. Tang Li looked at the greasy pasta, but did not see Song Baiyan's blunt words, but chose to take it easy. After eating it, thinking that he didn't tell him about the relationship, he decided not to care about him anymore.

   When the plate was placed in front of him, Tang Li also started.

  Song Boyan put the napkin back: "Don't eat cake?"

   "Candles have to be blown at night to have atmosphere, now fill your stomach first."

   Hearing her eloquent words, the smile on Song Boyan's mouth never subsided. Not long after, his cell phone rang and he picked it up directly at the dinner table.

  ——It was a call from Dangu.

  Tang Li manages to eat noodles by himself.

  After dinner, Song Boyan has some official business to do.

  Tang Li didn't bother or was in a hurry to celebrate his birthday, so he went to the home theater to watch a movie.

  She chose "Roman Holiday" starring Audrey He.

   With a remote control in one hand and a fruit platter in the other, he sat on the floor.

   Halfway through the movie, Song Boyan came.

  Tang Li also put his attention on that screen.

  Song Boyan sat down on the sofa.

   watched her watching a movie while eating fruit, without interrupting.

   After a long time, Tang Li finally realized that there was someone beside him.

She turned her head and recognized Song Boyan. Song Boyan was leaning back on the sofa, her left hand wearing a watch resting on her forehead. The embarrassment that made her heart beat faster.

  Tang Li was distracted when he went to the movies again.

   turned his head again and found that Song Boyan was still staring at him.

   That look is more like admiration.

   Tang Li didn't know what he had to admire, so he turned around, then stretched out his hand and touched it through Song Boyan's left trousers.

   (end of this chapter)

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