After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 867: The birthday present I want is you

   Chapter 867 The birthday present I want is you

  Tang Li's fingers crossed the pure black cotton socks and directly touched the man's ankle, learning from a movie he had seen before, and dancing the piano with his fingertips.

   As for her eyes, she looked at Song Boyan without blinking.

  Song Boyan leaned on the sofa and didn't move.

   His eyes were deep and gentle, and he did not avoid her gaze.

  When Tang Li's hand was inch by inch, Song Boyan's mouth curled into a small smile, and his eyes were full of interest. He moved his left hand from his forehead to his thin lips, and looked at her like this, as if waiting for her next move.

  In the auditorium, the light is dim and dim.

  Tang Li must admit that he was caught by Song Boyan's eyes.

   Song Boyan's gaze seemed to be indulgent and tolerant, causing her little mischievous mind to suddenly undergo some subtle changes.

  Tang Li slowly withdrew his hand.

   Then he straightened his upper body, and the bright light on the screen reflected the girl's beautiful facial features.

   She put her hands on Song Boyan's trousers, and after a while, she pulled up Song Boyan's right hand and kissed the back of his hand lightly.

   He raised his head again, his brows and eyes were dyed with an unknowing style.

  Tang Li glanced at the movie, and then focused his attention on Song Boyan.

   She spoke first and started the snack machine: "You asked me what gift I wanted, but I never told you, because I just thought about it now."

  Song Boyan asked her, "What do you want?"

   "Nothing else." Tang Li looked straight at Song Boyan: "I want you to be healed."

   said, turning the button of the man's shirt with his hand.

  Song Boyan listened to her "outrageous words", and was teased by Tang Li's small actions, which was very funny, and also showed this interest: "If you want a big living person, are you going to buy a container to collect it?"

   "Don't put it away, you just have to stay with me for one night."

   The voice fell, and Tang Li's eyes fell on the position below Song Boyan's Adam's apple.

   For a time, the atmosphere changed.

Song Boyan held her little hand holding the button and squeezed it lightly, his movements showing gentleness, before he could speak, Tang Li's voice came: "After tonight, I will be of legal marriage age, and besides, you too Send someone to Li's house to say kiss, I's time for our relationship to go further."

   After saying that, he took the initiative to kiss him.

   Looking at the girl's small face, Song Boyan cherished more in his heart, and only asked her, "Have you thought about it?"

   Tang Li opened his eyes when he heard the words.

   met the man's too gentle gaze.

  Song Boyan stroked the hair by her ear: "What does it mean to go further, are you sure you have figured it out?"

  Tang Li didn't say anything, but answered directly with actions.

   She leaned forward and kissed Song Boyan, and when she left, Song Boyan did not stop her, her eyes still stayed on her face.

  Tang Li felt that his cheeks were a little hot, but he didn't stop and planned to take another bite. Song Boyan finally interrupted her: "Don't you want to eat the birthday cake?"

   "Eat." Tang Li's attention was not diverted: "Do something meaningful first, then eat cake."

   She speaks in a serious manner, making people laugh and laugh.

Song Boyan didn't disturb her any more, he just hugged Tang Li horizontally. Under her puzzled eyes, he carried her out of the screening room. On the corridor, the lights were bright, reflecting the tall and straight figure of the man, which was a little eye-catching. .

  Tang Li's ear was Song Boyan's low and magnetic voice: "No matter what you do, go back to your room first."

   "Isn't this kind of princess hug very tiring?"

When    asked, her hands had already wrapped around Song Boyan's shoulders.

   (end of this chapter)

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