After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 871: People are prettier than flowers

   Chapter 871 People are more delicate than flowers

"woke up?"

  Tang Li nodded, his body still curled up in the blanket.

   After all, it was the first time. When she woke up, she felt a little embarrassed, but she saw Song Boyan walk a few minutes before, put down the cake carton, and looked at her with gentle eyes: "Do you want to eat the cake first or take a shower?"

   "..." Tang Li didn't forget, and didn't take a shower after the event.

   With a sideways glance, she noticed the folded men's pajamas on the bedside table.

   This set of pajamas was prepared by Song Boyan for her.

   "I'll take a shower first." After speaking, Tang Li lay on the bed and picked up the bath towel on the ground, wrapped it around him again, and went to the bathroom with clean pajamas.

   In the shower room, Tang Li stood under the shower, thinking about what happened tonight. It wasn't premeditated, it just happened naturally.

   The birthday present I brought up in the screening room was also casually said.

   Knowing that this would happen, she brought the things she bought so that she would not be unprepared on the spot.

  Tang Li recalled her performance on the bed, but, apart from lying still, she didn't act like she thought she was a guest.

  After taking a shower, Tang Li put on his pajamas and opened the bathroom door.

   As far as the eye can see, it is dark.

  The lights are turned off in the master bedroom.

   Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Yingying candlelight.

Tang Li turned his head to look over and found that Song Boyan was sitting on the sofa. He was holding a lighter in his right hand. The cake carton had been disassembled. Several candles were inserted into the cake. Brighten Song Boyan's pajamas.

  Song Boyan heard the sound of the door opening and looked up to see her: "Isn't it here yet?"

   As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Li walked over obediently.

   "20 candles are too many, we can only cut corners and insert ten." Song Boyan put the lighter on the long table, and turned his eyes to her again: "Make a wish before blowing out the candles."

  Tang Li also sat down on the sofa, and then said, "I don't put candles like this now. Don't you realize that you are celebrating Sedum's birthday?"

   Hearing this, Song Boyan had a smile on his lips.

  These candles were found by him in the kitchen for a long time.

Listening to Tang Li's words now, Song Boyan already remembered that Song Jingtian only had one candle on his birthday. It was a number-shaped candle. If he was seven years old, the candle would be "7". He put so many candles on the cake, and so on. Do pie, obviously outdated.

   The cake that Song Boyan took was not the one Tang Li bought.

   "It's not a big problem." She turned the scene around with her words: "It must be that when they brought the cake, they forgot to give candles. In fact, candles are just decorations."

   After he finished speaking, Tang Li clasped his hands in front of him and closed his eyes.

Song Baiyan looked at her and made a wish, because Tang Li had just taken a shower, and Tang Li was still full of water vapor, her skin was white and red, and her nose bridge was slender, which made her facial features extremely clean. Feminine flair.

  Why this is so, Song Boyan naturally knows.

  The leap from a girl to a woman, after all, is indispensable to a man's tiao (tiao) teaching, but the emotion mixed in this tiao (tiao) teaching has long been ingrained.

   After a while, Tang Li opened his eyes again.

She blew out all the candles and reached out to turn on the light. She happened to meet Song Boyan's gaze, which was looking at her. She also saw that deep affection. Although his smile was very light, it seemed that something had slipped through her heart, and Tang Li couldn't help but ask: "Is my face blooming?"

  Who knows, Song Boyan quickly picked up the words: "People are more delicate than flowers."

   (end of this chapter)

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