After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 872: At least not in this lifetime

   Chapter 872 At least not in this life

  People are more beautiful than Huajiao, these four words made Tang Li's cheeks slightly red.

   It was the first time she heard Song Boyan say such a straightforward "love story". It was a bit sudden, but she didn't feel numb, so she said with kindness: "If that's the case, then allow you to watch it."

After   , she started to take the candles from the cake.

   Song Boyan looked at the orderly movements of her hands, his eyes were more tender, he held her slender wrist, and his thumb gently pressed against her inner wrist: "What wish did you just make?"

   "I wish...we can be like this forever."

  Tang Li tells the truth.

   Even if the wishes are spoken, it will not work.

  Song Boyan was touched when he heard of her wish, and took her into his arms again, and then said, "It's not difficult to do, but it's a waste of an opportunity to make a wish."

   "No waste." Under the soft light, Tang Li curled his lips lightly: "If I don't grant this wish, if you ask me now, I can't answer like this, and I won't get your promise."

   Hearing the slyness in her words, Song Boyan couldn't help laughing, and sighed softly, "You have already made up your mind, just waiting for me there?"

  Tang Li said: "This is called Tang Taigong fishing, if you wish to take the bait."

   Song Boyan's smile deepened.

  Birthday cake, Tang Li was not hungry and only ate a small piece.

   Before going to bed, Song Boyan suddenly stretched out his hand and put a necklace on her neck.

  Tang Li only felt cold at the collarbone.

   She looked down and found a ring on the necklace. It was placed on the washstand before she took a shower. The red string that tied the ring was gone.

   As for the necklace, it is not platinum or gold either.

   Tethered to the ring is a small stainless steel sheet.

  Tang Li touched it almost reflexively.

When she touched the words on it, she raised her eyes and looked at Song Boyan: "I saw a similar brand on Axi's neck. The housekeeper of the villa told me that you were afraid that Axi would get lost, so you specially customized it." Said When she got here, she looked suddenly: "So, did you make a dog tag for me too?"

  Song Boyan: "..."

   Then, Song Boyan seemed to think of something, but smiled: "This thing is indeed called a dog tag in the army."

   Before he finished speaking, Tang Li had already seen the words engraved on the "dog tag".

   - not her name.

The three words   Song Boyan entered her line of sight.

Hearing him mention "troop" again, Tang Li quickly guessed what this sheet was. In country S, every soldier who enlists in the army has an identification card on his body, which contains the soldier's personal information, such as arms, troops Numbers and ranks.

  After retiring, soldiers will cherish the identification cards they have worn.

   For most men, an "identification card" is a badge of honor for their service in the military.

  Tang Li touched the nicks on the stainless steel sheet. Song Boyan gave this to her. She couldn't think of it. She couldn't help confirming again and again: "Are you really going to give it to me?"

  Song Boyan asked back, "Do you think it is worthless?"

  Tang Li immediately denied it.

   She met Song Boyan's smiling eyes, and the corners of her lips were upturned: "You gave it to me, you gave me yourself."

  Song Boyan hugged her: "It's been sent out, it's hard to get it back."

   "Do you still want to take it back?"

   Hearing this, Song Boyan folded his right hand on Tang Li's shoulder: "At least not in this life."

  Tang Li snorted and closed his eyes with a smile.

   Then, leaning on Song Boyan's arms, he fell asleep.

   (end of this chapter)

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