Chapter 873 Is your waist bad?

   The next morning, Tang Li opened his eyes and Song Boyan was already up.

   Like waking up in the middle of the night, she was the only one in the master bedroom.

  Thinking of what happened last night, just like Nanke's dream, when she saw the cake on the long table, she raised her hand and touched the identification card on her neck, all of which were telling her that everything had really happened.

  Tang Li's clothes were taken to be washed and not delivered.

   She put on Song Boyan's pajamas again, washed briefly, and opened the door of the master bedroom to go out.

   At this moment, Song Boyan is on the phone in the study.

   was also afraid of waking Tang Li up, so he brought his mobile phone here.

   "...The briefing will be placed in the office, and Minister Bai will come over in the afternoon."

Tang Li didn't go downstairs immediately. She strolled in the corridor. She passed the study and heard the voice of a man inside. She accidentally listened to a few words. She was sure that it was not a secret matter. She changed the direction under her feet and stretched out her hand. Push open the door of the study.

  Song Boyan is standing in front of the window against the light.

   He was still wearing pajamas, which was different from what he saw in the early morning. The current Song Boyan fell into Tang Li's eyes, making her more dependent.

   passed quietly, Tang Li reached out and hugged Song Boyan from behind.

  Song Boyan just hung up the phone.

He was not surprised when    was suddenly hugged, as if he had guessed who was behind him, he only pinched her slender wrist and rubbed the pulp of his finger lightly: "Are you up?"

  Tang Li didn't answer, just hugged him quietly.

   After a long while, Song Boyan pulled her over and looked at her carefully, with a smile from the corner of his eyes: "Get up now, are you going to shoot the morning show today?"

   "That's not true." Tang Li wrapped his hands around his waist: "I just couldn't sleep, so I just woke up."

  Song Boyan suddenly asked her, "Are you feeling sick?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   Mentioned this issue, the man's deep voice became more gentle and mellow, Tang Li's ears warmed when he heard it, and he naturally understood what Song Boyan was referring to.

In fact, except that Song Baiyan had pain when she first came in, and then she felt something else entirely. Tang Li still remembered that she was a girl, especially when it comes to bed affairs. The feeling of wanting to die".

  Tang Li was also curious, just like after the user experience, she was curious about the result, so after hesitating for a few seconds, she asked aloud: "Then how do you feel, are you comfortable?"

  "..." Mr. Song.

  Tang Li added: "I think it's good, I can do more of this sport in the future."

  Song Boyan's thin lips hooked lightly: "Aren't you afraid of tiring yourself by doing it often?"

   In the air, there was a brief silence.

   Then Tang Li asked, "Is your waist bad?"

  "..." As a man, this is not the first time Song Boyan has been questioned by Tang Li for his physical problems.

  Tang Li remembered his body in the previous life, and nodded immediately: "This is possible. At a certain age, it is indeed necessary to have an annual physical examination. If there is any problem, it can be detected and treated early."

   These words are a bit weird no matter how you hear them.

It wasn't until Song Boyan was sitting at the dining table that he finally remembered that he said something similar to Xiao Minglan every year, and then looked at Tang Li who was eating sandwiches, wondering whether to blame her for being clever or bad-hearted. In the end, he laughed first, only sighing in his heart. : "What a bad thing!"

  Tang Li noticed something, raised his eyes and looked over: "What's the matter?"

   "It's all right." Song Boyan flipped a page of the newspaper. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the peanut butter on Tang Li's cheek. I don't know how it got there. He stretched out his right hand and wiped it off with his thumb: "Are you going to keep it for dessert?"

   (end of this chapter)

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