Chapter 882 Live in the moment

Han Jifeng didn't even know what kind of feelings he had for Tang Li.

  If he had been in love with Li Shengxia in the past, then he had a love for Tang Li, because of those dreams, in addition to guilt, he also subconsciously included Tang Li in his future life.

  Since the marriage in his dreams was a tragedy, what he wanted most was to set things right.

   If he did it all over again, he would not let that marriage end in utter bleak.

   Song Boyan's involvement in this life has created an insurmountable gulf between him and Tang Li.

Knowing that Tang Li was involved with Song Boyan when he was young, as a man, Han Jifeng's heart was not without turbulence. During the "long talk" in the President's Office that day, Song Boyan revealed his doting and tolerant towards Tang Li, no matter in words, deeds or demeanor. , he couldn't help but think—

  If Tang Li didn't marry him in his dream, would he be with Song Boyan in the end?

  Song Boyan passed away at the age of 36, single and unmarried, and there has never been any related scandals. It is not a kind of unkindness, and he does not take love seriously, which shows that he has more things to care about.

  A man who puts his career first, even if he gets married, he will not shift the focus of his life to his wife and family.

   However, Tang Li is undoubtedly a special existence to Song Boyan.

  Han Jifeng is not a fool, and naturally he can see that Song Boyan has broken a lot of cases for Tang Li.

   Previously, he checked Tang Li's personal file and found that in the relatives column, Tang Shen's name had been erased and replaced by a deceased Tang surname.

   Although Li Wenyan is a senator, he cannot change citizens' files at will.

   can do this without knowing it.

   Apart from Song Boyan, Han Jifeng couldn't think of a second person.

It's like sending someone to pretend to be a bodyguard to "guard" Tang Li. When others and even Tang Li didn't notice it, Song Boyan had already eliminated the unstable factors around her, saying that it was protection, which was more like a kind of exclusive desire to make her completely Live under your own eyes.

  Song Boyan is invincible in the political arena, and in the emotional world, he is also invincible.

   looks so condoning, but in fact it is not much different from ordinary men.

   It's just that he will soften that domineering.

   For example, he went to the Bai family to say kiss.

  In Han Jifeng's opinion, Song Boyan's sincerity is difficult to refuse if it is a woman. Besides, Tang Li has been "in love" with him for a long time.

Han Jifeng remembered his dream and Tang Li's passport collection. They didn't even go out for a meal alone, it was still the same as usual. If Tang Li also remembered this, the old lady of the Bai family visited Li's house. This solemnity has already formed with him. strong contrast.

   "Are you going to marry Song Boyan?"

  Han Jifeng spoke again.

  Tang Li was thinking about Yuan Qin's question when he suddenly heard Han Jifeng's low voice. Before she could answer, Han Jifeng said again: "You marry him, you don't know what will happen in a few years."

   "At least now, we can form a family like ordinary men and women." Tang Li said calmly: "Maybe in the near future, we will have children."

  Han Jifeng looked at her, and then said: "To let your child be born without a father, you satisfy your own desires, isn't it cruel to the child?"

   "He/she would be proud of his father."

  Tang Li looked back at him calmly: "There will be many accidents in life, you don't have to remind me again and again, if you don't dream, you won't know what will happen in the future, and I just want to live in the present."

   (end of this chapter)

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