After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 883: Song Jingtian's life experience

   Chapter 883 Song Jingtian's life experience

  Yuan Qin stood beside the car, noticing Tang Li and Han Jifeng who were talking not far away. After a while, the phone in his hand vibrated, and it was Song Boyan's reply.

Han Jifeng appeared at the filming scene and was alone with Miss Tang. Yuan Qin reported the situation to her husband. The husband did not ask him to stop him, but only said one sentence in a text message: "When Han Jifeng leaves, send Miss Tang home safely. ."

   As for other things, Song Boyan didn't ask much.

   That kind of trust between words is something that few men can achieve.

   Similar questions Tang Li didn't want to repeat: "Not everyone misses the past, and not every woman likes to reunite.

   Compared with not being able to stay together until old age, I can't accept that my husband has another person hidden in his heart. "

  Han Jifeng listened, and slowly clenched his left hand beside him.

   "Some pits are enough to fall into once. If you jump down again, it is self-loathing. To a certain extent, I am a selfish person, and I just want to give my feelings to one person."

Having said this, Tang Li turned his attention to him again: "You have your white moonlight, and I also have my own cinnabar mole. Even if we barely get together, it will be the same bed and different dreams again. I think now, Li Shengxia may need you more. ."

  Han Jifeng didn't answer, but his heart seemed to be blocked by something.

   It was an indescribable suffocation.

"Between us, we will never be able to greet and bless like a friend." Tang Li added: "As you said, what you are dreaming is just a dream, so those are not real, so you don't have to do anything to me. Guilt."

   Each is well and it is the fulfillment of each other.

   Having said everything that needs to be said, Tang Li doesn't want to spend any more time here.

  Han Jifeng suddenly said, "Even if Song Jingtian may be Song Boyan's illegitimate son, do you plan to marry him?"

  In an instant, Tang Li's footsteps stagnated.

  Han Jifeng's low voice came from behind her again: "The Song family once adopted a girl named Jiang Yunxi, who is also Song Jingtian's biological mother."

Tang Li is no stranger to the name    Jiang Yunxi.

   After all, at the beginning of the month, she also learned about Jiang Yunxi from Song Boyan.

   But she never thought that Song Jingtian would be Jiang Yunxi's child.

  Tang Li didn't feel that Han Jifeng was fooling her, not only because Han Jifeng lived for many years after her death in her last life, but also because Song Jingtian happened to be not in the capital when Jiang Yunxi came to S country.

  Some things, as long as you study carefully, there will be traces to follow.

   As for the relationship between Song Boyan and Jiang Yunxi...

  Tang Li didn't believe that Song Jingtian was Song Boyan's son. If it was true, Song Boyan would not have told her that he never deceived himself, and he was such a decent person, how could he possibly have an illegitimate child.

  What Han Jifeng didn't say was that within two years of Song Jingtian's election as president, the woman named Jiang Yunxi would disclose his life experience.

   Jiang Yunxi claimed that Song Jingtian was her and Song Boyan's son.

   For a time, countless storms of public opinion were set off.

   However, Jiang Yunxi was found dead in the rental house before the relevant departments could investigate.

   The cause of death was a drug overdose.

  Jiang Yunxi was implicated in Song Boyan's impeachment case by the parliament.

After Song Boyan stepped down, Jiang Yunxi also disappeared completely.

   has reappeared, more than 20 years have passed.

  Jiang Yunxi lived a miserable life more than half a year before his death, and some people suspected that Song Jingtian secretly sent someone to kill him.

  Because of this, Song Jingtian's life experience has become an unsolved mystery.

   (end of this chapter)

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