Chapter 908 Respect and love coexist

  Song Boyan has always been gentle towards her.

   has never shown bribery, never oppressed her psychology, on the contrary, she always cared about her feelings.

   This thoughtfulness made her feel like she was immersed in warm water.

  The water with the right temperature runs across the skin without any aggression. After a long time, you may be drowsy, but not because of boredom, but because you are always in a comfortable state.

  Sometimes, she felt like a corn stalk in the field.

   As for Song Boyan, it was naturally the one who planted her.

  From the care of planting seedlings to watering, and then to the training of peeling clothes and pressing them on the cutting board.

  The corn kernels were scattered one after another, fell into the man's broad palm, poured into the round hole of the stone mill, and crushed them bit by bit, turning them into boneless and delicate.

   In the darkness, Tang Li couldn't see Song Boyan's appearance.

   However, when she tilted her head slightly, her jaw touched the man's shoulder.

  Song Boyan has no habit of using men's perfumes.

  Tang Li smelled a light fragrance when lying in bed, which was the same as Song Boyan's body after bathing, similar to sweet almonds, which should be the smell of shower gel.

  On weekdays, the body temperature of men is 0.3 to 0.5 degrees Celsius higher than that of women.

   Now Tang Li has thoroughly experienced this disparity.

   It was also in this temperature difference that Tang Li remembered his 'first encounter' with Song Boyan a year ago.

  If he didn't sneak into Li Yuan'er's room to return the skirt, or turned over the balcony and turned in the other direction, then he would not have too much intersection with Song Boyan in this life.

   As for her childhood rescue, to Song Boyan, it was just an old love.

   This affection can allow Song Boyan to take care of her at the right time, but it is not enough to develop a relationship.

  She has lost the simplicity she should have.

   Therefore, it was because of his power that he was so close to Song Boyan at first.

   She longed for some protection from Song Boyan's power.

   Until later, this desire veered off course.

   Compared with the power in Song Boyan's hands, she found that she wanted to have this man more.

  Respect and admiration coexist, which sounds like a paradox, but it can't stop her from breeding this idea.

   The carefree childhood was gone after Tang Yin got sick.

   The expectation of learning that her father was still alive was completely shattered the moment she stepped into Li's house.

   An unhealthy family buried hidden dangers in her heart.

   responded to that sentence——

   does not break out in silence, but 'perverted' in silence.

   On the night of Mrs. Li's birthday banquet, Song Boyan might have noticed her abnormality, and even her later confession, in Song Boyan's opinion, it was just the destination where she was pinning her emotions.

   At that time, Song Boyan really wanted to guide her back to the life that her peers should have.

   The strands of hair scattered on the pillow were held down, Tang Li just felt some pain, and a big hand put a big hand on the top of her hair, Song Boyan's low voice sounded in her ear: "Want to sleep?"

   "A little bit." She wrapped her arms around the man, "But you can hold on a little longer."

  Song Boyan put his hand back on the edge of the pillow, and his tone was still pampered: "Then hold on for a while."

  Tang Li forgot when he fell asleep.

   When I opened my eyes again, it was already bright outside.

  Because I only returned to the crew in the afternoon, I didn't get up in a hurry.

  I wanted to check the time, but I didn't see my phone beside my pillow.

  Tang Li touched under the pillow, but couldn't find the phone, so he started with a small cloth.

   Seeing what it was, remembering what happened last night, I couldn't help burying my head in the bed.

   I wrote this chapter for a long time...for a long time.

   There is one more update tonight.



   (end of this chapter)

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