After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 909: Some details are more profound

   Chapter 909 has some details and becomes more profound

  Tang Li didn't stay in bed for too long.

   The lounge suit was folded and placed on the bedside table.

   As for who folded it, it is self-evident.

   Stepping into the bathroom, Tang Li also saw herself in the mirror, with medium-long hair and a lazy look after sleeping, but she knew that her mood was changing all the time.

  Everything about the Li family seems to be getting away from her day after day.

   It's almost ten o'clock by the time she washes up.

   At this time, Song Boyan was naturally in the office area downstairs.

Tang Li stayed in the bedroom for a while, and peeled a red egg to eat. Thinking that Xiao Minglan was here, as a daughter-in-law, she didn't huddle in the room and wait for her mother-in-law to send someone to call for lunch, so she tidied up the bedroom a little and changed The good clothes went to the living room.

  In the living room, Song Jingtian was standing on the sofa watching TV.

   "What are you looking at?" Tang Li asked.

   The little guy pursed his lips and glanced at her, and continued to watch his "One Piece".

  Tang Li was not interested in the more than 800 episodes of cartoons, and was about to go to the kitchen to have a look, and found a plate on the small round table next to the sofa. The plate contained something that she was familiar with.

   "Did you get this blessing meal from the refrigerator?"

   Last night, she mixed the lucky rice and left half of it in the kitchen.

   Even if the stealing thing was discovered, the little guy still didn't change his face: "The tiger whip is hungry, I'll take it and feed it."

   Tang Li looked at the piece of tea at the corner of his mouth, and heaved a sigh of relief: "It scared me, but luckily you didn't eat it."

  Song Jingtian pricked up his ears and turned his head to look at her.

   "I heard from the old man in the village that if an unmarried guy eats a meal made by someone else's bride, he will be a bachelor for the rest of his life."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   "However, this is all superstition." Tang Li took a strawberry from the coffee table. "And the tiger **** are not all sterilized. It doesn't matter if you want a wife or not."

   "Who said it doesn't matter." The little guy retorted.

   said, he took the bowl of strawberries and refused to give it to her.

  Tang Li was just teasing the little guy, but he didn't want to really scare him, "It's not that there is no way to crack it."

  Song Jingtian immediately answered: "What way?"

   "It seems that just drinking a bowl of soy sauce soup can break the spell."

   The little guy hummed, as if he didn't believe it.

   At this moment, Aunt Min appeared at the door of the living room, and when she saw Tang Li was there, she smiled and said, "Since everyone is here, save me from going to the master bedroom."

   In the restaurant, Xiao Minglan was setting dishes and chopsticks with the housekeeping staff.

   Xiao Minglan always likes to do things by herself in this kind of trivial life.

   Seeing other people serving dishes and setting chairs, Tang Li and Aunt Min also went to the next kitchen to help. They took towels from the disinfection cabinet and stacked them one by one on the tray.

   "Not yet?" A familiar magnetic voice came from the kitchen door.

  Tang Li looked sideways, and sure enough he saw Song Boyan.

   She turned around in the next second, and Aunt Min had already answered, "Right now. Do you want hot water?"

   After that, Aunt Min also took the kettle and went out.

  Tang Li faintly heard footsteps, but this time she didn't look back.

   After a while, a white porcelain cup was placed by her hand.

   Seeing the man's left hand wearing the watch, he couldn't help but think of last night.

   Obviously not the first time, but it was far more embarrassing than the night at Yunqi Villa.

   There are some details, but also more and more profound.

The towels were already folded, Tang Li picked up the tray, deliberately ignoring the man behind him, and when she turned around, her arm brushed Song Boyan's shirt, but she didn't stop, shouting 'Let's go out', and the impermanent words and deeds of the past, only one Betrayed her to the tip of the red ear.

   It's late, everyone rest early!



   (end of this chapter)

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