Chapter 910 Affordable

Song Baiyan stood in the same place, watching Tang Liqiang's back to make a calm and fled, he just found it funny, they really got to this point, but the one who shot first showed the cowardice first, and usually showed his teeth and claws. .

   Waiting for him to go out with a water glass, Tang Li has already finished dividing the hand towels.

   At this moment, I was handing the tray to the housekeeping staff and sitting at the table.

  Because the chair was far away, she bent down slightly and dragged forward.

   The sunlight reflected by the stained glass fell like a kaleidoscope on Tang Li's face, making her skin whiter and more youthful.

  Drinking a sip of warm water, Song Boyan placed the bottom of the porcelain cup in his left hand.

  Tang Li was young and indifferent. She entered the adult world many years earlier than her, and naturally saw many issues more thoroughly than her.

  ——I am the one who earned it after all.

  If Tang Li was born in a loving family, he would probably look down on him now.

  At his age, love has long since withdrawn from the center of the stage, and he is a teenage young man who skips classes with his girlfriend to go on a date.

   An energetic boy should be the standard for choosing a mate at Tang Li's age.

   After all, he, an adult, did not grasp the scale of taking care of him.

   Let a little girl who has nothing to rely on give birth to the love of men and women.

   There is a suspicion of entering while taking advantage of it.

  Song Boyan remembered what Han Jifeng said in the office that day——

   "Tang Li has never felt love in Li's house. How can you be sure that she is not too lonely to entrust all her emotions to you? How much of it is family affection?"

   The final question was a bit deafening.


   What about family affection?

   In order to keep his hard-won political status, Li Wenyan can ignore the existence of this daughter, and Tang Li will not be stingy with 'giving' for things that Tang Li can't get from the Li family.

   Love or family.

   After all, isn’t it the same destination?

   No matter what Tang Li wanted, Song Boyan could afford it.

   In the restaurant, Tang Li noticed Song Boyan coming, but instead of handing over chopsticks as usual, he took a spoon and drank the soup before meals.

   bowed his head and bit the spoon, pretending to be an invisible man seriously.

  Xiao Minglan saw that something was wrong with Tang Li, but she didn't try to break it, she just urged Song Boyan to attend the table.

   This meal, Song Boyan didn't go to Tang Li's side.

   Just picked a spot nearby and pulled out the chair at hand.

  Rao is so, when Song Boyan was talking with Xiao Minglan, Tang Li listened to his voice and still remembered the picture of himself sitting on the head of the bed last night.

   Now that they are a serious husband and wife, they have become the one who cannot let go.

   was eating yam absent-mindedly, and was lightly poked on the side of the waist.

  Tang Li turned his head and found that Song Jingtian did it with chopsticks.

   Before she could react, the little guy poked her with his chopsticks again, in the same position as before: "Did you get bitten by a poisonous mosquito?"

   "What?" Tang Li didn't understand.

   Song Jingtian pursed his lips, towards her waist.

  Tang Li bowed his head as he indicated and saw the fingerprints on his waist: "..."

   Today, the short T she wears can reach her belly button. When she leans over to pick up vegetables, a small portion of her waist is exposed.

  Because the fingerprint was on the back waist, she didn't notice it when she was taking a bath, but now, it was exposed to others.

   blushed, and Tang Li was about to pull back his T-shirt when he heard the man's low, steady and casual voice: "There are many mosquitoes and ants at night in this season, it's time to expel them."

   I have always wanted to analyze this relationship from the perspective of Mr. Song.

   Maybe young readers don't like to read it, so let's satisfy a little wish of my wounded old aunt!



   (end of this chapter)

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