Chapter 934 Be a Companion

   didn't ask her for her own opinion, she just arranged it clearly!

   Looking at his son's attitude, he is not discussing with her at all!

"When did I say I'm going to Haicheng?" After decades of arrogance at home, Mrs. Li had never experienced such a bird's-eye, and regardless of Jiang Yuan's presence, she wiped away her tears: "I worked so hard to pull you up, you are now The wings have grown hard, and I'm starting to think that I'm too old to be useful."

   Outside, Mrs. Lai has always been a strong person.

   But in front of his son, he always had the attitude of wanting to say something and weeping first.

   Seeing that his mother had to deal with the difficulty of being a widow again, Li Wenyan sent Jiang Yuan out, and when the door of the ward was closed, he said, "Did you go to the crew to find Tang Li at noon today?"

   Mrs. Lai forgot to wipe her tears.

   She didn't plan to tell her son about this.

   Suddenly he guessed the reason why his son wanted to send him to the sanatorium: "Is that recruiter approaching you to complain?!"

   Without waiting for Li Wenyan to answer, she said to herself: "We have a good home, and we haven't lived in peace since she entered the door! If she hadn't recruited that shameless person, you would have tossed about these things at your age?!"

   When Jiang Yining was mentioned by his mother, Li Wenyan couldn't hang his face.

   "Your body is like this now, maybe it's a good thing she did!"

   Mrs. Li thought of the cup of milk tea spilled on her body, and her sullen tone did not disappear: "You killed her grandfather and lied to her mother, and she still doesn't know how to hate you!"

   These words are more or less suspected of sowing discord.

   Li Wenyan knew very well the nature of his mother.

  Preferences on sons and daughters, and holds high and treads low.

   She hates Tang Li so much, which has a lot to do with Tang Li's background in southern Yunnan.

   In her eyes, southern Yunnan was too poor to eat enough.

   Therefore, during the first half year of Tang Li's arrival, Mrs. Li was unwilling to eat at the same table with her, and even made the servants stare at Tang Li, fearing that she would steal her jewelry and sell it.

  Sometimes, prejudice arises for no reason at all.

  If Jiang Yuan had already led someone to search Li's house in the evening and found nothing unusual in Tang Li's room, and Tang Li had been to the ward, he would have blamed Tang Li as usual when he heard what his mother said.

Mrs. Li didn't know what her son was thinking, but she didn't stop talking: "You treat her as a daughter now, but she doesn't necessarily treat you as her own father, so you still believe her nonsense. If she is really filial, how can she be rude You sent your mother away?!"

   "It was Song Boyan who told me about your going to the crew."

   Li Wenyan's words made Mrs. Li instantly stop.

   "Tang Li is probably surrounded by people from Song Boyan." Li Wenyan expressed his guess: "I am afraid that everything you said and did when you went to the crew was reported to Song Boyan."

   Mrs. Li didn't believe it: "I think it's a stern report!"

   Li Wenyan did not think so.

   Before they got married, they were not a family after all. His daughter was very refined, and he poured out his own scandal like a bean, which would only make Song Boyan look down on her.

   He wanted to mention the election, but he didn't believe Song Boyan didn't guess it.

   But Song Boyan didn't give him a chance to speak, obviously really annoyed Mrs. Li.

   Sending away the old lady was Li Wenyan's expedient measure.

   In the future, the Song and Li family will be close, and they will be brought back.

   Li Wenyan looked at his mother, who was still a little confused: "Since you don't want to be too far away, then go to the sanatorium in Xia Xiadai, just to be able to be her company."

   Mrs. Li: "!!!"

   (end of this chapter)

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