Chapter 935 Relieving Itching

  Tang Li didn't know that Li Wenyan was going to send Mrs. Li to be with Li Shengxia. After she killed the fifth mosquito, a black Maybach was parked outside the pavilion.

  Don't need Ji Ming to get out of the car to invite him, Tang Li ran forward by himself.

   Pull the rear door open and bend over to go up.

  Song Boyan stayed upstairs for a while longer than Tang Li expected. In previous words, it took about two cups of tea.

   When she got in the car, the sound insulation panels of the front and rear seats also rose.

   "I was bitten by a mosquito?" Tang Ligang wanted to ask what Li Wenyan said when Song Boyan's low voice came first.

   Tang Li heard the words and looked down at his legs.

   On the outside of his right thigh, there are indeed two small red spots.

  I didn't feel it at first, but after such a reminder, it started to itch.

  Tang Li lightly scratched his hand twice, then turned his head back, "Did he mention the senator election?"

Seeing her thief-proof expression, Song Boyan smiled, and leaned his left forearm with his shirt sleeves rolled up on the leather cup holder in the center, "Your father is a smart person, and smart people tend to think a lot. The more you think about it, the easier it is to miss opportunities.”

  Tang Li understood: "So, he didn't have time to mention it?"

   "Are you so happy?" Song Boyan asked rhetorically.

"..." A person like Li Wenyan regards his career as important as his life. Song Boyan comes to him like a boiled duck in his hand. .

  Tang Li put away that gloating: "I just think the moon is a bit round tonight."

  Song Boyan leaned on the seat, looked at her with a smile for a while, and then said, "I also said that I didn't fall into the well, and my tail was about to go to the sky."

   "No." Tang Li said while scratching his right leg.

  Song Boyan: "Itchy?"

   "A little bit." It was her who said that it was extremely dripping, and now she was bitten, and she felt like her face was going to be slapped and swollen: "When you get home, just put some salt on it."

   In fact, saliva can also cure mosquito bites.

  Tang Li glanced at Song Boyan and swallowed his saliva silently.

   In the next second, the right leg was covered with heavy heat.

  The itchiness was replaced by a rough feeling at the red spot from the mosquito bite.

Tang Li cast his gaze and saw Song Boyan's left hand, as well as the titanium watch. Because the thumb pad rubbed against the small lump, the muscles and bones on the back of the hand were faintly raised, and the roughness of the finger pad and palm also reminded her that this watch The hand holds the gun all the year round.

   Now, Song Boyan is using those gun cocoons to help her relieve itching.

   This kind of intimacy is also familiar to Tang Li.

   And she knew that in ten or twenty years, Song Boyan would still tickle her.

At that time, Song Boyan was an old man with white temples. As for her, she was still a fashionable middle-aged aunt. In order to prevent her from climbing the wall and survive the crisis of old age, Song Boyan had to pamper her and tickle her like this every day, or else , she asked Xiao Xianrou to dance the square dance together.

   "Is it better now?"

   "Yeah." Tang Li nodded.

   Seeing that Song Boyan was about to withdraw, she changed her words: "Actually, it's still a little itchy."

   As he spoke, he propped up the seat with both hands, and his right leg was up and down.

   Seeing her enjoying her posture, Song Boyan thought it was funny, no more bumps on his hands, just covering her thin white legs: "I will still wear long pants when I go out at night."

  Tang Li said: "It looks good with bare legs. Now young people wear it like this."

   In exchange for Song Boyan's warning: "In the future, don't cry."


Goodnight everybody!



   (end of this chapter)

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