Chapter 936 So reluctant?

   In Tang Li's mind, a picture could not help but emerge——

The 60-year-old Song Boyan is a handsome old man. She might use reading glasses to read the newspaper, but her hands and feet are still sharp, but she used crutches early because of her old cold legs, and the two went out for a walk. On the pace of Song Boyan.

   This is definitely not possible.

  The handsome and handsome old man is often coveted.

   At that time, Song Boyan will not have a crisis of old age, so she will have a crisis of middle age.

   found a blanket in the storage bag behind the driver's seat, Tang Li leaned over and took it out, spread it over his lap: "It's a little cold."

  Song Boyan pulled out his hand from under the blanket, looked at her bending over to wrap her legs, for fear of revealing a little more flesh, the smile in his eyes became even more serious, and his preaching tone was steady: "It will be the same for a while."

  Tang Li did not refute.

   Actually, she was a little curious about Song Boyan's conversation with Li Wenyan in the ward.

   Don't mention the election, are you talking about the parents' shortcoming?

   They are all adults in the political arena, so they don’t sit and stare.

  Tang Li was thinking about running away, and his right hand holding the corner of the blanket was pulled over. The broad palm was also the temperature she was familiar with.

  Song Boyan held her hand and closed his eyes.

Holding hands like   , I don't know when it started, it has become a natural move.

   is also like a bit of a break from a busy schedule.

  Tang Li didn't move any more, just turned his head to look out the car window.

It is the most prosperous moment after nightfall. The lights on the two side roads are like a galaxy. Time seems to be accelerated. The river is constantly flowing, people come and go, and the neon lights are bright. Only the tranquility in the car is real, like an hourglass flowing slowly, the whole world become peaceful.

   I only spent the night in Tan Palace yesterday, and Tang Li returned to Li’s house that night.

  Thinking of the newly married Yaner, seeing the entrance of the community, he leaned over and kissed Song Boyan on the cheek.

   This pro will inevitably give birth to some novelties.

   Even though he was already familiar with it, he couldn't help but approach.

In this life, especially in the film and television industry, she has come into contact with a lot of the opposite sex. Most of them are oily and powdery, and they are rough and casual. No matter which one is, she will put makeup on her face. In real life, Han Jifeng and Qin Yansheng are also young talents. However, No matter in her life, she has never had a strong possessiveness.

   Facing Song Boyan, this was not the case.

  Tang Li has long recognized his feelings for Song Boyan.

   Even if Song Boyan doesn't become president, he still loves him.

  Because she knew that even if she lost her high-ranking embellishment, Song Boyan was still strong and was destined to occupy the most important position for the rest of her life.

Song Boyan opened his eyes and saw that she was starting to get tired, so he simply pulled someone over. There was a lot of space in the car. When Tang Li sat on Song Boyan's lap, there was still a few centimeters between his head and the roof of the car: "So unwilling? I'll go back to Tan Palace in the evening."

  Tang Li didn't say anything, just kissed the man's face again.

   Smelling the aftershave, she tightened Song Boyan's neck even more.

   After a long time, he said, "No, there will be an announcement tomorrow morning."

   "You can't keep up with the announcement if you live in Tan Palace?" Song Boyan put his left hand on Tang Li's back to prevent her from falling on her back.

   "Newlyweds still have to keep an appropriate distance."

  Tang Li said: "Sticking together all day long can easily make each other disillusioned."

  Song Boyan burst into laughter after hearing her crooked reasoning, and stroked her temple hair with his right hand: "I've seen you thrashing in the river with a swimming ring on, eating a mouth full of mud, what else can't you see?"

  When the embarrassing incident was mentioned in his youth, Tang Li's ears were slightly hot, but he refused to admit defeat: "Then I also saw you urinating behind the wooden house!"

  Song Boyan: "..."

   There is a second or third watch in the evening.

   Here, answer the questions that everyone cares about——

   1. The full text is about 1.5 million words, and it should include extras. You can leave a message and tell me what extras you want to watch, and I will write as appropriate. (Wait for the body to recover some more, it will speed up the update.)

   2. For the official readership group, my health is really bad, and I don’t have that much energy. There is no group for the time being. You can leave a message in the comment area, and I will read all the messages. (There is a group, and I am afraid that you will ignore me...)

   3. As for whether there was abuse in the later stage, this... I'm not hard to say, anyway, the ending of Mr. Song and Miss Tang will not disappoint everyone's expectations.

   4. Everyday confession everyone, although there are not many readers who follow the article, thank you for your company!



   (end of this chapter)

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