Chapter 948

   The word 'poison' just came out of the mouth, and the long gas sound broke through the air.

   Intermittent and continuous.

  Tang Li looked at her, and the atmosphere was inexplicably weird. After a few seconds, he made a sympathetic relief: "Let it go if you want, it's not just blowing suona, and you have to consider the people behind you."

   "..." Yuan Qin.

   Yu Sui blushed and couldn't help but express his anger: "It's all to blame for that poisonous mushroom!"

   As he said, he pointed to the takeaway box.

  Tang Li glanced in the car and found that Yuan Qin was still carrying a lunch box, and there were four dishes on the makeup box, among which was chicken stewed with mushrooms.

   Looking back, she looked at Yu Sui: "If I remember correctly, I only need two dishes and one soup."

   Yu Sui: "..."

   "It's not because the mushrooms are very bright today." Yu Sui licked his mouth, "Besides, Yuan Qin is an eight-footed man, working so hard, he definitely won't be able to eat two dishes."

   "He couldn't get enough, and finally the mushrooms got into your stomach?"

  Tang Li tried to find the logical connection between the two, but the goose didn't.

   Yu Sui clutched her stomach, and also noticed that the logic was not smooth. Seeing that she was about to add vegetables to herself, a string of broken farts saved her.

   After waiting for Yu Sui to run away, Tang Li got into the car after a while.

   She didn't beat around the bush with Yuan Qin: "Have you come to check the post?"

   Before Yuan Qin could answer, Tang Li said again: "Don't play stupid with me, I already know who you are."

   Yuan Qin: "..."

   Just then, the window was tapped lightly.

  Tang Li lowered the car window. It was Yu Sui who came back from the toilet: "Why don't you get in the car?"

   "I met my partner." Yu Sui was lying on the edge of the car window, reaching out to Tang Li to ask for a bag: "No wonder he said he would send me a late-night snack. It turns out that he and his roommate are eating grilled fish here."

  Tang Li handed over the bag and asked, "His roommate also brought a girlfriend?"

   "No." Yu Sui said, "Just a few of them."

   Watching Yu Sui apply lipstick beside the car, Tang Li remembered why he came down to the parking lot.

   However, she only saw Yu Sui's boyfriend fighting with the girls next to her, and there was no other deviant behavior. The discomfort at that time was only because of her personal sixth sense.

   Now that the other party is calling Yu Sui to go to dinner, this magnanimity makes her make a fuss.

  Perhaps, people just ran into friends over dinner.

   After all, everyone has a different way of getting along with friends.

   Watching Yu Sui go away, Tang Li asked Yuan Qin, "On the premise that you have a partner, would you touch other girls' heads, or laugh and play?"

   Yuan Qin replied: "I have no object, so this premise does not hold."

  "..." Tang Li changed his question: "Then do you have someone of the opposite **** around you who likes to hang on your shoulders?"

   "Miss Tang is referring to a man bitch?"


Without getting Tang Li's answer, Yuan Qin added: "The people around you are mostly male, so far, no matter male or female, I have never seen anyone who dares to accompany you; , there are very few people and things that can impress him, like Miss Tang, there is no way to find the second one."

   Tang Li saw that he had misunderstood and explained: "I just used an analogy, not referring to your Excellency."

   Having said that, there was a hint of sweetness in my heart.

   When Tang Li left the parking lot, Yuan Qin also sent a text message to Ji Ming: "Ms. Tang has hinted to me in many ways, I am afraid I am very dissatisfied with the female staff around you."

   (end of this chapter)

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