Chapter 949

Not long after   , Ji Ming replied with a question mark.

   Yuan Qin leaned on the driver's seat, thought for a few seconds, and decided to tell the truth: "Miss Tang suspects that there are female staff in the Tang Palace who are eyeing your Excellency."

  Ji Ming received a text message and carefully screened the female cabinet staff.

   In this cabinet, most of the top executives are men.

The only female member of   —

   Secretary of Labor and Administrator of Environmental Protection.

  The former is fifty-six years old, and the latter is worthy of entering menopause.

   He didn't know when Tang Li had met these two. Since he could imply Yuan Qin like this, it showed that these two attracted her attention.

Mr.    is in his prime, so it is not surprising to be liked by women.

   After Yuan Qin's reminder, Ji Ming also found some clues.

When the Director of Environmental Protection came to see the husband, he didn't dress meticulously. When talking with the husband, he smiled brightly. As soon as he left the office, he turned his face down, twisted his butt, and stepped on high heels. Beauty's arrogant kind.

   And I heard that she has been slow to agree to the pursuit of the Minister of Energy.

   Of course, the Director of Environmental Protection is definitely not Mr.

What does Mr.    like, doesn't he know yet?

  Young, beautiful, sensible, and occasionally a little temperamental.

   Acting like a gentleman is not exempt from the custom after all.

On that day, the husband learned that Mrs. Li had gone to the set and was furious when she left, because Yuan Qin said that the old lady's trouser legs were splashed with drinks, and she seemed to have a physical conflict with Miss Tang. Visited Li Wenyan.

  Even if he is married to the Li family, the husband does not have to visit the doctor in person, and it is a great concern to make a phone call to offer condolences.

   However, Mr. did that anyway.

  Although he didn't know what the husband and Li Wenyan said in the ward, he knocked on the door and went in. The atmosphere inside was not harmonious, and the chat was not very pleasant.

   Outsiders do not know, but he is clear.

  ——Mr. originally intended to let Li Wenyan continue to be the senator.

   However, after that night, the matter is no longer mentioned.

   This kind of protection is not the first time.

  Jiming has followed Song Boyan for so many years, and it is rare for Song Boyan to go wrong.

   But since I met Tang Li last year, it can be said that I kept making exceptions. Later, for a while, Tang Li seemed to be in trouble with Song Boyan, and Song Boyan didn't stop caring about it in private.

   And that Ling Guowei.

  Because his son made a mess at the state banquet, he lost his position as Minister of the Interior.

   But Mr. never mentioned his kindness to Miss Tang.

   I am afraid that the gentleman himself understands in his heart that a politician in a high position occasionally still plays with his temper and makes some trivial mother-in-law dramas. Such immature behavior is not worthy of praise.

   It is also a loss that the relationship between Mr. and Miss Tang is not known outside, otherwise, combined with the previous things, I am afraid that it is inevitable to say that the husband is "stingy".

  Jiming was thinking about something, and he also walked to the office area on the first floor.

   After nine o'clock in the evening, the lights of the president's office were still on.

   He knocked on the door of the office, and after hearing an 'enter', he opened the door and found that Song Boyan was answering the phone at the desk, and he did not disturb him.

When Song Boyan put down his phone and raised his head to ask, Ji Ming replied, "Yuan Qin sent a message saying that Miss Tang just talked to him." After two seconds of hesitation, he spoke again: "Miss Tang seems to be talking to Director Ge. I am very dissatisfied with the behavior of coming to you often."

   (end of this chapter)

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