Chapter 950

   Environmental Protection Agency Director Ge Yin, Song Boyan remembered.

   Speaking of which, he is still his middle school alumni, but he is many years higher than him.

  If I remember correctly, Ge Yin is 46 years old this year.

   The last time Ge Yin came to Tan Palace to talk to him was a week ago for wetland protection and restoration projects.

   To talk small talk, it is also the middle school where the two of them go to.

   How did Tang Li know about Ge Yin? Song Boyan could figure it out after a little thought.

   No matter which president is elected, the cabinet list is always open to the public. Among ordinary people, anyone who cares a little about current affairs can name one or two cabinet members.

   If you don’t know the current affairs, you can check it out on the Internet.


  Song Boyan smiled slightly.

   Tang Li's temper, he understands.

   When he had a meal at the same table with Miss Bo's family at the Fu family's house, Tang Li was able to express his emotions. He ran to Yunqi Villa in the middle of the night and squatted at the gate without saying a word.

   Holding the cabinet list to study the contradiction between the enemy and ourselves, Tang Li can do it.

   In some respects, Tang Li never concealed his scruples.

   At this time, she looks like a seven or eight-year-old child, holding a big watermelon in both hands, even if she can't finish it, she is not willing to give it to others.

   Cute, but also jealous.

  Seeing that Ji Ming was still beside him, Song Boyan said warmly: "It's not that we were having a dinner party at night, why did you suddenly go to Yuan Qin to talk?"

   Ji Ming could not answer this question.

   After a long while, he said, "Why don't I ask again."

  Song Boyan saw that he was really going to send a text message, so he raised his hand to stop him, and only said, "If you are really dissatisfied, you have to come to me to make trouble in the end. It's useless for you to ask."

   When Ji Ming heard the words, he also looked at his husband.

  Song Boyan's tone was accustomed to indulgence and tolerance, but not a trace of annoyance, which made Ji Ming have a ridiculous idea: If Miss Tang really doesn't like seeing Director Ge, will Mr.

   However, according to past experience, Mr. is estimated to be able to coax people.

  Ji Ming remembered that Cheng Ying was called into the office in the afternoon and asked, "Do you plan to re-investigate the case of Tang Shen?"

  Song Boyan said: "It has been dug out, but it can't be called a rotten scar."

It was only today that Ji Ming learned that Li Wenyan might have been the first-class meritorious deed for killing him back then. He didn't know that Mr. Tang was not clear before, but if Miss Tang was an insider, she should have called Mr. Step in.

   But Ji Ming followed Song Boyan every day and never heard Tang Li mention this.

   "Miss Tang is not involved in the online revelations." Ji Ming read the blog post and found some doubts in it - the whistleblower omitted the part about Li Wenyan being the son-in-law of the Tang family.

   Of course, there is also a possibility.

  ——The other party hasn't dug up Tang Li's life experience yet.

   But as of right now, that's very unlikely.

   Everyone knows the truth of the drug-enforcement case back then, so that the father-daughter relationship between Tang Li and Li Wenyan will not be missed.

   It is very likely that the other party does not want to push this relationship out.

  Otherwise, when mentioning Li Wenyan's undercover story in the blog post, it would not erase such an important existence as Tang Yin.

   "Cheng Ying said that the IP address of the whistleblower is abroad." Ji Ming said again.

  Song Boyan lit a cigarette: "There are only a few people left and right."

  The words fell, and the phone rang.

   On the other end of the phone was the girl's soft voice: "I'm not going to Tan Palace, do you miss me?"

   (end of this chapter)

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