Chapter 956 Tricks to please people

   The next day, Tang Li left the Tan Palace and took Song Boyan's set of clothes.

   She wore the pure white men's shirt into an off-the-shoulder dress, and the dark gray trousers were rolled up to reveal their slender ankles. If they didn't say anything, they would only be regarded as wearing harem pants.

  Song Boyan came out after washing up, just in time to see Tang Li bowing his head and tying his belt in front of the fitting mirror.

  This casual style is ridiculous.

  The shirt with two buttons was unbuttoned, and it was loosely tied in the waistband of the trousers, and the shoulder blades were looming at the neckline, like a butterfly about to spread its wings.

  The rounded shoulders are a gray suspender.

   As soon as Tang Li tightened the belt, the collar of his shirt was pulled up.

  The clothes that were originally fashionable, instantly turned into the look of an old farmer planting rice, and even hung a towel around his neck.

   "Wear your clothes and wear them well."

   Tang Li heard the words and looked up into the mirror.

   Seeing that she didn't ask and pick it up and was not being held by Song Boyan, she became a little more courageous, she only closed a button, and pulled the collar back a little bit: "That's how it looks good."

   When she said this, Song Boyan also went into the cloakroom and changed into a shirt.

   "It's not necessarily good looking with a bare chest and an open back." The man tied his cufflinks while talking.

  Tang Li stopped picking himself up, and didn't care if his trousers fell, he turned around and opened the drawer of the closet, and took out another belt.

   Then, walked behind Song Boyan.

  She wrapped around Song Boyan's waist and groped with her left hand holding the end of the belt. She quickly found the button of the trousers, and then she felt the trousers and slipped the belt in smoothly.

  Song Boyan didn't move, she let her act.

  The belt is a pulley type.

  When the belt was attached to the waist of the trousers, Tang Li also tightened the slider.

   Fastening the belt, she turned to Song Boyan, like a child waiting for praise.

   Tang Lishi's strategy, Song Boyan did not fail to see through.

   Looking at her sloppy virtue, she didn't continue to raise criticism after all.

   It's just that the flattering on his little face, also called Song Boyan, smiled slowly, and asked, "Where do you find this kind of tricks to please people?"

   "That's what I thought, so I did it."

  Tang Li felt that his flattery was quite effective, because Song Boyan didn't care about the height of her neckline after that, but it was only limited to unbuttoning a button.

   In order to catch up with the announcement, she did not have breakfast at Tan Palace.

   By the time she arrived at the studio, Yu Sui had already prepared soy milk fritters.

  Tang Li had just drank half a cup of soy milk when Yu Sui dragged his pony to dart over, and while no one was around, he whispered quickly, "I feel like your dad... uncle pills!"

   said, handing over the phone.

   Yu Sui's mobile phone is the interface of a certain platform's hot search list.

   Li Wenyan is no longer on the list today.

   However, the hot search topic instead is #restart the investigation of the "old case of anti-drugs"#.

  Tang Li checked the time on his phone, it was 8:21.

   On the way to the crew, she hadn't made this hot search.

"It was a netizen who broke the news on DouMiao." Yu Sui poked his finger on the screen, and his movements were skilled: "I claim to be working in a certain department, saying that this old case has attracted the attention of the top, and the relevant files have been transferred, after all, it has become a hot topic. Search, even if it looks like it, you have to check it again."

   In Tan Palace last night, Song Boyan did not mention this old case.

  Tang Li just finished reading the breaking news post, and his phone on the dressing table also lit up.

  The call was from Li Wenyan

   After seeing the caller ID, Tang Li turned over his phone.

   "No answer?" Yu Sui asked.

  Tang Li met her gaze with a very open expression: "What?"

   Yu Sui: "..."

Goodnight everybody!



   (end of this chapter)

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