After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 957: The family is going to die!

   Chapter 957 The family is about to die!

   Li Wenyan called her just because she couldn't get a hot search and wanted to suppress this old case through nepotism.

   As for the relationship between who goes, it is obvious.

   In this case, there is no one else but Song Boyan who has the absolute right to speak.

   At this time, Tang Li did have his own selfishness.

  Tang Shen's right or wrong is judged by his own laws.

   Li Wenyan is unscrupulous to seek his future, why shouldn't he be punished accordingly?

  When Tang Li muted the phone and stuffed it under the bag, Li Wenyan's face was already blue on the other end of the phone. The third time he heard the phrase "the call you dialed is temporarily unanswered", he slammed the phone into the sofa next to him!

   After this action is done, the abdomen is aching again.

   Li Wenyan leaned against the leather chair in the study, while lightly covering the gauze with his hands.

   He left the hospital overnight last night.

After    was on the hot search, his secretary's phone was never interrupted, and many reporters even went to the hospital.

  Even if the security guards tried their best to stop him, there were still Internet celebrities who disguised themselves and successfully infiltrated. They rushed into the ward with a selfie artifact, grabbed his shoulders and demanded a live broadcast.

   Li Wenyan's anger couldn't go down when he thought of those bastards.

   Even outside the community, there are now people squatting with cameras.

   The public relations he asked Ouyang Qian to do had little effect, and it was a complete waste of one million!

   Now his name is no longer on the list, but after two days of public opinion fermentation, the old case has been brought under the eyes of the public.

   Unlike 20 years ago, with the development of the Internet today, it is not so easy to hide some things.

   Li Wenyan also saw the news on DouMeow.

  Last night, he had downloaded the ins and DouMeow apps.

   After registering an account, Li Wenyan reported those rumor-making posts. Who knows, the platform feedback to him that the content posted by the other party is not illegal!

  Especially a keyboard warrior named [like a fish in water], jumping up and down, spreading rumors that he has been watching men's subjects for 30 years, and then putting Viagra on his poster of his senatorial campaign, and writing "persistence, can't stop" in **** fonts on the poster.

   He privately messaged the other party to delete his blog, but was attacked by a wave of memes.

   This kind of bastard, if he changed it more than ten years ago, he would have been taken out and shot thousands of times!

   As for the re-investigation of old cases mentioned on Dou Miao, it is not groundless.

   Last night, Li Wenyan received the news.

  Ren Zhengxiong did not admit that the blog post was written by him.

   However, apart from Ren Zhengxiong, he really couldn't think of a second person who would do such a thing!

   Tang Li didn't answer the phone, and he couldn't get in touch with Song Boyan.

At the cusp of the storm, once he goes to Tan Gong, I am afraid he will immediately become the target of public criticism; he has the number of the Tan Gong press secretary's office, and a call is made, but Song Boyan himself is not the one to answer. Besides, the fewer people he has to say, the fewer people there are. Know the better.

  The servant went upstairs to call Li Wenyan for lunch.

   Seeing Li Wenyan's gloomy face, he was suddenly silent.

  Li Wenyan didn't see Ouyang Qian all morning, so she couldn't help but ask: "Is your wife up yet?"

   "Madam, Madam is in the bedroom." The servant said truthfully.

  Because of Ouyang Qian's miscarriage, Li Wenyan didn't sleep in the master bedroom when he returned home last night.

  This morning, he was so busy again that he hadn't seen his wife yet.

  The crew, Tang Li threw away the empty lunch box, and the help call of the Li family's servant also came in: "Miss Tang, come back quickly, the family is going to die!"

   "What human life?" Tang Li thought that Jiang Yining was in trouble again.

  The servant said: "It's a member of the Congress, he almost killed the Xiaoliang driver!"

  Tang Li: "..."

See you tonight!



   (end of this chapter)

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