Chapter 971

   Li Wenyan is such a person.

   Obviously selfish to the extreme, but still pretending.

   "Last time you said to put your mother's ashes on Fengyang Mountain. When these things are over, our father and daughter will go back to southern Yunnan and send your mother back to their homeland."

   The message conveyed in Li Wenyan's words, Tang Li understood almost instantly.

   This is telling her that from now on, their father and daughter will be one faction.

   As for Ouyang Qian's wife, Li Wenyan had already abandoned her.

   Just like he abandoned Tang Yin twenty years ago.

   explained the good things, Li Wenyan also got up: "Dad won't bother you to continue reading the script."

   "Dad, if I tell your Excellency about this, grandpa's curios—"

  Tang Li did not go on.

  Li Wenyan already understood what she meant: "After all, that batch of antiques has not passed the bright road, insisting on keeping it is not a good thing for you, so Dad is going to donate it at this opportunity."

   "Dad has lived to this age, and he has some savings, although it's not worth the antiques; Xia Xia and Yuan'er have mothers to take care of, and Dad's things are yours in the end."

   Tang Li's face was moved when he heard the words.

   Li Wenyan also relaxed his eyebrows after seeing it: "You can earn more money. For Dad, you are the most important."

"Then I'll tell you, Dad, you saw the report letter on the Internet and checked the assets of the family. It turned out that there were many antiques of unknown origin in the name of grandma. After asking grandma, I found out that it was something that Aunt Qian entrusted her to keep. , Dad suspected it was Tang Shen's private property, and asked me to call to explain the matter."

   Li Wenyan didn't say good or bad, just asked: "Dad does this, do you think Dad is heartless?"

   "No." Tang Li shook his head.

Seeing Li Wenyan's gaze returning to himself, Tang Li continued: "Aunt Qian's father is a retired old general. Your Excellency won't pursue it too deeply because of your love. When those antiques are confiscated, I think Aunt Qian will be able to live in peace. nothing."

   Li Wenyan looked relieved: "It's good that you can understand Dad's intentions."

  Tang Li reminded: "Grandma is not in the capital. Since the antiques are in her name, should I bring people back?"

   "You don't have to be so troublesome." Li Wenyan had a plan in his heart for a long time: "I keep those antiques in the bank safe, and I will ask Jiang Yuan to retrieve them later. When you tell your Excellency about this, just hand them over."

   "Okay." Tang Li responded.

   Li Wenyan patted her on the shoulder: "At this juncture, your aunt Qian only cares about getting angry with me, and Yuan'er is not a burden. Dad can only rely on you!"

  Tang Li smiled: "Don't worry, Dad, I'll call your Excellency later."

   After receiving this guarantee, Li Wenyan felt at ease.

   After coming out of Tang Li's room, he planned to ask Jiang Yuan to come to Li's house.

   At times like this, Li Wenyan himself is not good at going to the bank.

   As for why Tang Li was not allowed to help him fetch the antiques, it was naturally due to distrust.

   Even if this daughter and him are tied to the same boat, but there is a Tang Shen in the middle, the trust will be greatly reduced. The human heart is the thing that can't stand the test the most.

   Li Wenyan returned to the study, picked up his mobile phone and was about to call Jiang Yuan.

   A news feed pops up.

  【A Senator’s Wife of Domestic Violent Entrepreneur for 20 Years, Is It Moral Degeneration or Humanity Distortion? 】

   Li Wenyan's forehead jumped, giving birth to a bad premonition.

  The next second, the message pushed by DouMiao appeared on the screen——

   [Li Moumou, the top leader in the political circle, explodes the domestic violence scandal again! 】

  ……Li Moumou.

  Li Wenyan held the phone and leaned back in anger!

   Tang Xiaoli: Dad, don't worry, I will definitely send you in with my own hands!

   There is an update tonight!



   (end of this chapter)

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