Chapter 972

   In the study, Li Wenyan sent a lawyer's letter to the bald head. In the other side of the room, Tang Li had already exchanged a space card for his mobile phone, and contacted the bar owner again with whom he had cooperated.

   "Can you take part-time jobs?" Tang Li texted.

   Not long after, the other party replied——

  【Jin Xinxin】: "As long as the money is in place, the posture will be all right!"

  Tang Li: "..."

   "Stay here for me." Tang Li typed.

   After a long time, the mobile phone came in for text messages.

  【Jin Xinxin】: "We honest people don't do anything illegal or criminal."

  Tang Li didn't argue with him, he directly quoted: "One week, 50,000 yuan, don't pick me up and find someone else."

   The other party sent a price list drawn with a water pen.

  The border is skewed, and the pen stains are not dry.

  ——A-level tracking, 100,000.

  ——S-class tracking, 200,000.

  ——S+ Tracking, 500,000.

  【Jin Xinxin】: "Dear, I suggest you choose the highest level here."

  Tang Li closes the text message dialog and opens Wechat.

   In terms of tracking this skill, [Takeshita Orioles] is obviously more professional.

   Ever since he knew that Yuan Qin was arranged by Song Boyan, Tang Li guessed that [Zhuxia Ying] was also Song Boyan's person nine times out of ten, so she didn't look for [Bamboo Ying] at first because she didn't want to rely on Song Boyan for everything.

  Jiang Yuan went to the bank to pick up the antiques, it is estimated that it will be in one or two days.

   Now let her find another reputable detective agency, it will definitely be too late.

  Tang Ligang clicked the avatar of [Bamboo Orioles], and [Jin Xinxin] sent a text message: "Where's the person?"

  Tang Li switched to the text message interface: "Buy it now, S+ tracking, 50,000."

   Without waiting for the other party's reply, she replied, "Don't pick it up and pull it down."

  【Jin Xinxin】: "[crying] [crying]"

  The community where Jiang Yuan lived, Tang Li knew.

   As for the photos, she searched the Internet and quickly found two, which she sent to the bar owner together with the address.

   The next morning, Tang Li received a multimedia message.

  【Jin Xinxin】: "[Picture]"

   is a photo of the unit building where Jiang Yuan’s house is located.

   Around three in the afternoon, Tang Li received another picture.

  Jiang Yuan was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and trousers, with a briefcase under his left arm, and was coming out of the unit building with his head down.

   Make sure the tracking object is correct, [Jin Xinxin] sent 'OK'.

   When Tang Li finished filming, an additional text message and a multimedia message appeared on the phone.

  【Jin Xinxin】: "[Picture]"

  【Jin Xinxin】: "Have been in the bank for half an hour."

  Tang Li just wanted to return 'continue to wait' when he received a new text message - Jiang Yuan has already come out.

   "What else does he have besides the briefcase?" Tang Li immediately asked.

  【Jin Xinxin】: "[Picture]"

  Tang Li saw Jiang Yuan was carrying an aluminum alloy suitcase, and sent a message: "Add another 100,000 yuan and take the box over."

  【Jin Xinxin】: "???"

   Afraid that he would not dare to rob it because he was afraid, Tang Li explained: "There is stolen money in there. You grab the suitcase and go to the National Mall, and just throw it on the square."

   Near the National Mall, there are all government departments.

   Ordinary people pick up a box of antiques and are bound to call the police immediately.

  Jiang Yuan walked to the car and held the door handle with his right hand. Before he had time to exert any force, his left hand hurt and then lightened. When he recovered, the suitcase had been carried out by a fat man ten meters away.


   With an angry shout, Jiang Yuan also chased after him.

  Li Wenyan learned that the antique was lost, half an hour later.

   Hearing Jiang Yuan say that he had chased three streets and failed to catch up with the thief, Li Wenyan smashed his phone directly.

   That is an antique worth hundreds of millions!

   was robbed like this, still at the bank gate!

  ——Who will believe it? !

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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