Chapter 988 This niece is too old

   "It was only after tasting it that I found out that the taste was not good."

  Tang Li said, stuffing Maotai into the wine rack aside, "Also, it is not advisable to drink alcohol after a long journey, especially spirits."

  Song Boyan saw that she spoke eloquently, but she was not obsessed with wine.

   and the others returned to the dining table, and he stretched out his left hand towards Tang Li.

   At this moment, the two were very close.

  Tang Li just acted as if Song Boyan wanted to pull himself onto his lap again, and glanced at the living room, Song Jingtian was lying on the coffee table eating watermelon, but his pair of eyes glanced over - obviously he had been paying attention to the restaurant.

  The peeping was caught, and the little guy was not wrong. He continued to look at it with crooked eyes, while he held up the ashtray, pouted his mouth, and spat out two watermelon seeds.

   The next second he noticed that Tang Li was staring at himself, and the little guy restrained himself.

   When Song Jingtian turned his head away, Tang Li also retracted his gaze, just in time to see the man's right hand stretched out to his side.

   is already an 'old husband and wife', and Tang Li still has this tacit understanding.

   So, without Song Boyan holding herself, she flipped her left hand and held the big hand.

   Tang Li's action was obviously surprising.

  Song Boyan looked at the little white hand wrapped around his fingers, like a thin vine clinging to a big tree, soft with green onion, and tightened the strength of his right hand: "What have you been busy with these two days?"

   These words fell into Tang Li's ears, and he felt a little "no deep meaning".

   It is said that those who have ghosts in their hearts are most afraid of ghosts.

  Tang Li has been doing 'good things' for the past two days, Song Boyan suddenly asked himself, no matter if Song Boyan cares literally or not, when she came to her, he made up something in his mind.

   For example, Song Boyan might have guessed that she dropped the box of antiques on the National Mall.

   But brain supplement and confession are two different things.

   "Just stay in the crew to film." Tang Li replied and asked, "Is the disaster in Qingyang serious?"

   "It's definitely more severe than in previous years."

   Song Boyan said, but his eyes still stopped on Tang Li's face. Tang Li was seen raising his right hand and touched his cheek: "Is there something dirty on my face?"

  Sometimes, it’s not just constant little movements that can tell a person is lying.

  The answer is too perfect, and it will also expose yourself.

  Tang Li realized this, and he couldn't find the right time to add some gossip and gossip.

Capturing Tang Li's micro-expression with the words 'smart but mistaken by cleverness' written on his face, Song Boyan felt amused, but he did not push people too hard, and changed the subject as Tang Li wished: "This time , everyone else in the family went upstairs?"

   "My dad's abdominal wound was a little inflamed. Ouyang Qian and Li Yuan'er were worried and went to the hospital with him."

   The voice fell, and Aunt Wu also came over with a plate of fried rice with eggs.

   Aunt Wu recognized Song Boyan with only two eyes.

   At first glance, it seemed a little familiar, just as a guest of Li's family; put the dinner plate on the table, and then cast a second glance, it was a shock.

  The big man who appears in the news reports of current affairs every day is sitting in front of you suddenly, even seeing her idol Liu Tianwang back then was not so exciting at this moment!

  What's even more exciting is that this big man is holding Tang Li's little hand.

   This means that the uncle is pulling his niece to care about studying, and this niece is too old.

  Tang Li noticed Wu's mother's embarrassment and knew that Wu's mother might not know the true relationship between Song Boyan and her.

   That time, when the old lady Bai went to Li's house to talk about her marriage, she avoided the servants at home.

   Song Boyan came that night, and most of the servants also took a rest.

   Because of my body, I stopped for so long. I apologize to everyone.

Years later, I went to BJ for medical treatment, and only then did I find out the source of the muscle disease in my body—the left temporomandibular joint was artificially moved, which made me ill for a long time, and even worsened. After symptomatic treatment, I had headache, neck and shoulders. The back pain symptoms are relieving, and now this novel is my top priority.



   (end of this chapter)

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