Chapter 989 Sit down and eat with me

  Although Wu Xuehan knew about it, it was related to the president of a country. Besides, Tang Li only told her and Yu Sui about their relationship, indicating that he did not want to make it public for the time being.

   Based on Tang Li's understanding of Wu Xuehan, Wu's father and Wu's mother must have never disclosed it.

Seeing Aunt Wu's eyes from the corner of his eye, Tang Li glanced at her and Song Boyan's hands from time to time, Tang Li did not let go to avoid suspicion, but smiled at Wu's mother: "If you eat too much fried rice, you will get tired. Waiting for the sparerib soup to be served, troublesome. You cut some pineapples."

   "Okay!" Mother Wu deserved it very quickly.

   After that, he didn't dare to glance at him any more, and immediately went back to the kitchen.

  When the kitchen door was closed, Tang Licai 'invited the teacher to ask the guilt': "It's all your fault, I scared Aunt Wu."

Song Boyan looked at her villain's triumphant attitude. There was a slight change in the facial features that had not been very turbulent before. A little smile filled his eyes and brows. Under the light of the restaurant, it was like a splash of color on an ink painting, and he was shocked. But it fell into the hearts of the people.

  Tang Li was dazzled when he heard Song Boyan say: "It seems that it is my face that makes you feel that you can't take it out."

  "..." That's not what she meant.

   Seeing that the big hand he held with him loosened up, Tang Li clenched it tightly.

   This action is purely instinctive.

  I don't know when it started, she used to do some intimacy when she got along with Song Boyan, not so much that she likes to pester Song Boyan, but rather to enjoy his pampering.

   When she realized that she was acting too urgently, she looked up and found Song Boyan looking at her with a smile.

   Tang Li's face was faintly hot.

   For a moment, I felt like a big white rabbit played by a hunter.

   Before she could pull back a round, the pork ribs soup was served.

   Aunt Wu saw Tang Li again and took the hand of their head of state, calmed down a lot, at least the expression management was in place, put down the soup bowl and returned to the kitchen to get the fruit.

The aroma of    ribs soup lingers in the air.

   Waiting for the fruit to be served, Tang Li didn't hold Song Boyan's hand any longer.

  Song Boyan was not in a hurry to move his chopsticks.

   After Tang Li let go, he stretched his right hand slightly forward, pinched the corner of her hot pants with his thumb and index finger, and then retracted his hand, there was a black seed between the two fingers.

   So, Song Boyan didn't want to hug her at first, maybe he just helped her remove the watermelon seeds.

The thought of    came into his mind, and Tang Li's face heated up again.

  Song Boyan threw the watermelon seeds on the table, picked up a wet towel and wiped his fingers. Seeing Tang Li still standing in front of him, he couldn't help but ask with a smile, "Are you going to keep watching me eat?"

  Tang Li scratched his face with his index finger, trying to hide his embarrassment: "I'll go to the living room to see if the sedum watermelon is good."

  I didn't think about it, and before I turned around, my wrist was pulled.

   "Sit down and eat with me."


  To persuade a person, sometimes, it does not need more pleasant words.

  Tang Li turned his toes out again.

  ——Song Jingtian is a mature child, she should learn to eat watermelon by herself, it is better for her not to interfere.

  Thinking like this, Tang Li also dragged the chair beside Song Boyan away.

   A large plate of fried rice with eggs, Song Boyan moved two-thirds of the way, and as soon as he put down the spoon, a wet towel was handed under his nose.

   took the towel, and in response to Tang Li's hospitality, Song Boyan laughed: "I asked you to bring me tea and water when I asked you to dine with me?"

   "No way." Tang Li said, "You don't really enjoy picking up the towel."

  Song Boyan: "..."

   We'll update a chapter today, everyone rest early!



   (end of this chapter)

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