Chapter 990 Is this a honeymoon?

   Tang Li was not idle.

   As the words fell, he picked up the plate of fruit again.

   This time, Song Boyan didn't answer.

   After wiping his hands, he put the towel back on the table, and then turned to look at Tang Li. He put a ball on his head and held a Japanese-style hand-painted ceramic plate in both hands, like a sweet trap, waiting for the wisher to take the bait.

   Tang Li thought about it.

  If Song Boyan stretched out her hand to take the porcelain plate, she would pick up a pineapple with a bamboo skewer, bypass his hand, and bring the fruit directly to his mouth.

   She was not allowed to 'serve' because she was uncomfortable.

   This was exactly the effect she wanted.

   The self just now was not placed in such a situation.

  Tang Li's little thought was not hidden deeply, and Song Boyan could see to the bottom with just one glance.

   is the routine of some children's temperament.

   As in the past.

   did not expose it, but it did not meet her wish.

   "Did you not look in the mirror when you tied your hair?"

  The topic changed suddenly, and Tang Li was a little caught off guard.

   But she reacted quickly.

  ——Free up his right hand and touch his ear subconsciously.

   However, no loose strands of hair were caught.

   Just as he was about to move his hand to his neck, the chair under him was dragged.

The distance    dragged out was only a few centimeters, but it brought her closer to Song Boyan.

   Song Boyan's left hand holding the back of the chair did not withdraw immediately. From Tang Li's point of view, he seemed to be surrounded by the man's arm and the dining table.

   At this moment, only one thought flashed in Tang Li's mind——

   The difference in strength between men and women is really huge.

   Instead, she dragged Song Boyan's chair, fearing that she would not be able to drag it with all her strength.

   But the question is, why did she drag the chair Song Boyan was sitting on?

   Just as her thoughts were flying around, a slight touch hit the back of her right neck, and a man's smiling voice sounded in her ear: "You didn't even notice that such a bunch of hair fell down (la)?"

  Tang Li lowered his head and saw the hair in Song Boyan's left palm.

   Her attention was more on that hand.

  The metacarpal bones are wide, each stripe has a different path, and the ravines of different depths are like extending mountains, but also like a person's thoughts, long and deep.

   The blue silk that fell to the mountains did not weaken that courage in the slightest.

   On the contrary, it adds a sense of dependence.

   Out of the corner of the living room, Song Jingtian was nowhere to be seen, only the watermelon rind on a coffee table remained.

   As for Aunt Wu, she stayed in the kitchen all the time.

   Tang Li's upper body suddenly leaned forward, leaned over, and kissed Song Boyan on the cheek.

   A little bit of water.

   is a bit mischievous and a bit cute.

   "It must be very tiring to travel around and investigate."

   As soon as he finished speaking, his left hand, which was casually placed beside the chair, was grabbed.

Song Boyan's palms were warm and wet with a towel. It was not the first time to hold hands, but seeing a man wrapping his five fingers around him, especially when he held it so simply, without further action, it seemed ordinary. The physical contact made Tang Li feel a little embarrassed.

   ""The Most Dazzling She" will be broadcast this Saturday."

   In the end, it was Tang Li who spoke first.

   "The previous weekly drama was cut by two episodes. It just happened that our drama passed the review, so we just moved it up."

  Song Boyan pinched her fingertips lightly: "When the drama airs, in addition to the crew, we have to run the publicity announcements. It is estimated that I will not be idle for a long time."

  Tang Li did not expect that Song Boyan actually knew about the propaganda notice.

   "There will be various announcement arrangements." She nodded and explained: "The most announcements should be variety shows. As for whether to go or not, the company will screen."

   "When the filming is over, do you want to go somewhere to play?"

  Tang Li went abroad on vacation to relax her habit before finishing her career. However, when she heard Song Boyan ask this question, she had a guess in her heart, but she said, "Even if I want to go out to play, you can't accompany me."

   "If you are with me, it is not easy to go abroad."


  Tang Li looked up.

   Meeting her suspicious gaze, Song Boyan smiled: "Don't want to go out with me?"

   "No." Tang Li denied.

That little joy had not yet formed, and she thought of the busy work of Tangong: "I will be able to finish the work in another month, and there will be an autumn typhoon in October. If there is a disaster like this time in some areas, and the president is on vacation, it will be known. , is the influence bad?"

  Song Boyan's answer reassured her.

   Now is not the old time, and typhoons rarely cause casualties.

  For example, in Qingyang this time, there was a weather warning ahead of time, and the people and livestock were all healthy, but it was inevitable that coastal dwellings, farmland, and infrastructure would be damaged.

   "Even if a serious disaster does occur, there will be local leaders who will bear it first."

   As long as the President is still at home, the delay will not be much.

   Realizing this, Tang Li raised the corners of his lips, lunged forward, and wrapped his arms around Song Boyan's shoulders.

   This hug came a bit suddenly.

   In order to avoid too much momentum, Song Boyan supported her small body in time.

   "Is this a honeymoon?"

   Tang Li asked.

   The little girl didn't hide her excitement in her words, Song Boyan also had a smile on his face, and stroked her back with his hand, "It's okay for now, and I'll make it up again in the future."

   "It doesn't matter if you don't make up." The girl raised her head: "I'm not the kind of person who pays attention to form. As long as I can see you, I can stay at home every day."

   "Face me every day, are you not afraid of getting bored?"

"would not."

   said, and buried his face into Song Boyan's shoulder and neck, "As long as you don't dislike me."

   It didn't take long for Tang Li to hold his hair.

   When she straightened her bangs, the back of her head became more and more broken.

   Do you want Mr. Song to tie his hair?

   A. Think (star eyes); B. Can he do it? (2333... ruthless ridicule)



   (end of this chapter)

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