Chapter 994 Are you still human? !

  —see a ghost!

  Li Wenyan desperately suppressed his qi and blood, so that he did not reveal his secrets in front of Tang Li.

   If Ouyang Qian really saw Tang Li, Ouyang Qian would probably cover it up, and she would have no chance to know that she had seen Zeng Fan in private!

   Seeing that Li Wenyan didn't pick up the apple, Tang Li cut a thin slice of himself: "A big guy like lawyer Zeng is more than enough to deal with online mobs, Dad, you don't have to worry too much."


   Is he worried about this? !

  Li Wenyan saw Tang Li eating apples unhurriedly, and his heart became even more panicked.

  —Eat, eat, eat!

  Tang Li seemed to be unaware of Li Wenyan's suffocation, and said to himself: "I guess there is no need to file a complaint. Those netizens received a lawyer's letter and saw the name of lawyer Zeng, and they should stop when they check the Internet."

After   , she raised her head and gave Li Wenyan a sweet smile.

  Li Wenyan: "…"

   To say that Ouyang Qian is running around for him to deal with online public opinion issues, others may believe that they do not understand their husband and wife relationship, but Li Wenyan himself does not believe it anyway.

   Today's Ouyang Qian is no longer the Jieyu flower.

   From the moment he found Tripterygium wilfordii polyglycosides at home, he dared not despise his wife. Ouyang Qian's recent actions reminded him all the time that their husband and wife could not be as one.

  Since he no longer vents out of one nostril, how could Ouyang Qian still focus on him?

   If he was really devoted to him, there should not be a problem of 100 million now.

  Why Ouyang Qian went to see Zeng Fan, Li Wenyan did not guess, especially with Yuaner.

  Zeng Fan is the chief legal counsel of Tianyi Group and a partner of Feifan Law Firm.

   In the past, Tianyi had debt disputes with other companies. All cases involving over 10 million yuan were handed over to the legal counsel team led by Zeng Fan.

A small case like    Internet violence can be handled by Zeng Fan by randomly assigning a 'little devil' from the law firm.

  Unless Ouyang Qian assigned him other important matters.

   As for what matters…

   However, suspicion was just suspicion, and there was no solid evidence before him.

   Having slept in the same bed for decades, Li Wenyan didn't want to use the most sinister intentions to speculate on the relationship between husband and wife.


   He forgot.

  Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will take root and sprout!

   "Dad, about the antiques, have you figured out what to do?"

   Tang Li's sudden concern made Li Wenyan's temple aching.

   Before he could answer, Tang Li's worried voice came again: "Although Your Excellency didn't give us a deadline, I originally wanted to turn it in as soon as possible. Now that the antiques are gone, it's not good to go on."

   This truth, Li Wenyan did not understand.

   That's why he thought about putting together 100 million to pay for those antiques.

   "Or I'll tell your Excellency that the box of antiques in the National Mall belongs to our family."

  “…” Li Wenyan.

   If he really does this, he will be on the hot search tomorrow!

   There is no wall that is impermeable to the wind.

  I have been a member of parliament for more than ten years, and I don’t think there are many good people around him.

Seeing Tang Lizhen take out her mobile phone, Li Wenyan was afraid that she would ruin her plan, so she stopped beating around the bush: "I already have a solution to this matter, it is difficult to recover those antiques, but you have to explain it, then Only our family can spend 100 million as a remedy."

   At the end, he sighed, "It's just that your aunt Qian's company's funds are temporarily insufficient, and the amount you can take out is limited. This matter is imminent, so it's not good to drag it on."

   "It can't be delayed." Tang Li nodded, "If Your Excellency thinks that we intend to deny it, it will not be good for my marriage to turn back."

   Li Wenyan's mouth twitched fiercely.

  Tang Li raised his eyes, just in time to meet Li Wenyan's eyes: "Dad, don't you really want to deny it?"

  "..." With the knife on his neck, does he dare to deny it?

   "If I had known this would happen, I would not have made donations."

  Tang Li's words were full of annoyance.

Li Wenyan remembered the 'Children's Rescue Foundation' that Tang Li mentioned at the dinner table last night, and before he asked how much he had donated, Tang Li explained to himself: "Although it's not much, there are more than 2 million, so I can get it together. a little."

   "...You don't have any other savings now?" Li Wenyan asked reluctantly.

"There are more than 200,000." Tang Li opened the bank app on his mobile phone and showed him: "Dad, why don't you print out the donation receipt and ask back to see if you can offset the two million, even if it's mosquito legs. , it's also meat."

  Li Wenyan looked at the electronic invoice, and didn't say what he wanted to say. He used the donation invoice for charity in the past to pay off his 'debt', unless he didn't want this face!

   "The house in Zichen Garden, I will mortgage it to the bank as soon as possible." Tang Li added: "As much as we can get together now."

   This practice makes Li Wenyan look better.

   His gaze on Tang Li softened: "It won't be embarrassing for you to give the house to the bank, right?"

   "What did Dad say?"

Tang Li shook his head, and then said again: "If Dad has an accident, what can I get for it? Besides, I don't have much fortune, and unlike Yuan'er, I can resell sports cars and her brand-name bags." She sighed lightly. Lips: "If Your Excellency doesn't like me filming, I can sign a few more dramas to get a payment in advance."

  Li Wenyan: "..."

   His original plan was to rely on Tang Li's paycheck to fill the loophole.

   But now, Tang Li said, "Your Excellency doesn't like it", completely blocking this way of making money.

   Going to see this daughter again, I just feel inexplicably annoying.

"Dad, don't push yourself too hard." Li Wenyan's ear was Tang Li's sweet relief, "There are so many people in the family, there will always be a way. It's a pity that I still have to film, if I half retreat like Yuan'er Circle, you can also go to the acupoint platform."

  Li Wenyan looked at her: "Going to the acupoint?"

   "It's just that the artist himself takes on private work similar to commercial performances, such as singing for people at a wedding banquet, or being a guest performer for the company's annual meeting. Generally, the remuneration is not low."

   After Tang Li explained what was going through the acupoints, Li Wenyan found a reason to send her back first.

   Then, he called his little daughter.

   At that time, Li Yuaner was accompanying Ouyang Qian to see a director of Tianyi. When she received a call from her father, she held the phone and looked at her mother, "Dad asked me to go to the hospital."

   The father asked his daughter to visit the doctor, but Ouyang Qian could not stop her.

   said goodbye to the director, and the mother and daughter went directly to the hospital.

However, after stepping into the ward, she learned that Li Wenyan not only wanted to sell her daughter's belongings, but also planned to let her precious daughter go to acupuncture business and perform in order to earn tens of thousands of yuan a day. Ouyang Qian couldn't believe it, and cursed on the spot: " Li Wenyan, using your own daughter as a tool to make money, are you still a person?!"

   Because the body is still recovering, there are not many days in this period, please forgive me!

   Everyone, rest early after reading, good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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