Chapter 995 Just buy her for five years

  Li Yuan'er didn't expect her father to let her show herself like those out-of-date stars. Although she wasn't as angry as her mother, she also had red eyes.

   Ouyang Qian's questioning did not make Li Wenyan change his mind.

   "My father has never treated her badly. He is also a daughter. Tang Li can do what Tang Li can do, but why can't she be replaced?"

Li Wenyan still remembers what Ouyang Qian said at the beginning: "Don't forget, you told me that money is fast in this industry, since Yuan'er can't get the show, it's better to stay at home all day, like other artists running for business and acting. , at least a subsistence."


   It turns out that her Ouyang Qian's daughter has fallen to this point!

  Ouyang Qian only felt that she was being fed a mouthful of shit.

   And this **** was originally stuffed by Li Wenyan.

"You can have no bottom line, I have to continue to be a person in this circle." Ouyang Qian picked up the bag on the sofa, and also pulled the little daughter on the side, only looked at Li Wenyan coldly: "Let my daughter pay tens of thousands of dollars Money to accompany others to laugh, unless I, a mother, die first!"

   came out of the ward, the flushing around Li Yuaner's eyes still hadn't disappeared.

  The mother and daughter took the straight elevator.

   Waiting for the elevator door to close, Ouyang Qian put his arms around her daughter's shoulder, "Don't worry! With my mother here, I can't relate to you on any acupuncture platform."

   "But why did Dad ask me to go to the acupuncture point?" Li Yuan'er couldn't help but raise her hand to wipe the corner of her eyes. Because of her grievance and disappointment, her tears could not be controlled after all: "Dad was not like this before, since childhood, he spoiled me so much."

  Ouyang Qian brushed her daughter's hair on the temples, but did not answer the question.

  —what else could have happened.

   I thought of trying to make money, and nine times out of ten, that little **** surnamed Tang instigated it!

   Li Wenyan's intention was not clear to her.

   It was said that Yuan’er was asked to go to the commercial stage, but it was actually forcing her to pay the 100 million yuan!

  After Xia Xia's accident, Yuan'er had the same eyeballs as hers.

   Li Wenyan is such a calculating person, how could she not know how much she cares about this daughter now?

   Why would she be willing to let her daughter go to third- and fourth-tier cities to suffer?

   Back at Li's house, Ouyang Qian told her daughter to get off the bus first, and she gave the driver an address.

   After a nearly three-hour drive, the car stopped at the entrance of a nursing home.

Ouyang Qian signed at the doorman and went straight to the building where Li Shengxia was located, because the hospital had arranged for Li Shengxia to live in a relatively secluded building, and most of the people living in the same building were Alzheimer's patients with silent disease, or some patients with depression.

   In the ward, Li Shengxia was sitting by the bay window watching the scenery.

   She turned her head when she heard the door open.

   The half-scarred right face also came into Ouyang Qian's field of vision.

When the medical staff walked away, Ouyang Qian closed the door with her backhand and sat opposite Li Shengxia: "I took Yuan'er to see Guo Dong today, and the shareholders meeting will be held at that time. Like Liu Dong, he will approve my transfer of equity to Yuan'er, plus the proportion of shares in my hand, it is unlikely that I will travel again."

   "Be careful sailing the ship of ten thousand years." Li Shengxia's emaciated face was pale because he was out of the ward for a long time: "There is such a person in the family that I have to beware."

When    mentioned Tang Li, Ouyang Qian couldn't help but hate her.

   Li Shengxia noticed the strangeness of his mother, "What happened to the family?"

   "It's not that little **** yet!" Ouyang Qian gritted her teeth: "She urged your father to ask Yuan'er to go to a small place for business performances to raise money."

   Li Wenyan embezzled Tang family antiques, Ouyang Qian did not hide it from her eldest daughter.

   "I can't make up the money. Dad is afraid that he is going to the hospital because of a sudden illness."

  Ouyang Qian of course knows how anxious Li Wenyan is now. If he can't pay the 100 million yuan, Li Wenyan doesn't even want to participate in the election of a member of parliament. Even, once this account rots, I am afraid it will affect the marriage of the little slut.

   No wonder the father and daughter were anxious like grasshoppers in the autumn.

   The more this is, the less likely she is to spend the money.

  The antique thing is solved, and it is also making wedding dresses for others!

   Now that she and Li Wenyan are all married, everything has been planned, so why throw another 100 million into it when it comes to the end?

   Besides, no matter how much she has done, Li Wenyan may not miss her well.

Ouyang Qian raised her hand and caressed Li Shengxia's right cheek: "Lawyer Zeng has already made the application for medical parole. As for the proof documents, the nursing home will open it for you. It's just a matter of the past two days. When the approval form is down, you can go home."

   "Have you found someone?" Li Shengxia asked.

   Ouyang Qian nodded.

   "I'm from the Pingxiang Mountains in southern Hunan, two years older than you."

   After all, she didn't do it herself. Li Shengxia was by no means completely relieved: "Two years older than me... She's not even 30 this year, is she really willing to agree?"

Knowing her daughter's worries, Ouyang Qian explained: "Her son's heart is not good, it's a disease that came out of his mother's womb. Over the years, he spent a lot of money for medical treatment. Her husband's opinion is very big, and her husband has a bad relationship with her. I gave her two One million. Besides, I don't want her life, I just bought her five years to stay here for you."

  The son is the lifeblood of that woman.

  The child's illness is not good for one day, and he needs a steady stream of money.

  Ouyang Qian is not afraid that he will not be able to control the other party.

   She said, holding Li Shengxia's hands on her legs, "Your priority now is to take care of yourself. I have contacted the hospital over there in Vancouver. As soon as we land, you can do repair surgery."

  Ouyang Qian planned to divorce Li Wenyan, and Li Shengxia knew about it.

   "Father's side..."

She just started a conversation, but was interrupted by Ouyang Qian's sneer: "Isn't he full of eyes and only the illegitimate daughter? It doesn't matter if there are mothers and daughters in the family, in that case, I want to see if this daughter will be given to him. End of retirement!"


  Tang Li came out of Li Wenyan's ward and did not leave the hospital immediately.

   When Ouyang Qian and her daughter got out of the car, Tang Li was sitting in the pavilion eating popsicles.

   She watched the mother and daughter step into the inpatient department, and within a quarter of an hour, she saw the mother and daughter come out in a huff.

   When they got into the car and left, Tang Li also threw the popsicle sticks into the trash can.

   was about to leave when a cry came from the grass next to him.

   is very weak and almost ignored by her.

  Tang Li stepped down, peeled off the weeds, and saw a milk cat the size of a slap.

   - still an orange cat.

   It is very similar to the one she raised in her previous life, except that there is less white hair on the forehead.

  The afternoon sun caused the weeds to wilt.

  Tang Li held up the milk cat with his palm, the little guy smelled an unfamiliar breath, and let out a tiger's milk bark.

   After waiting for a while, there is still no female cat.

   Seeing the little guy rubbing his face with his front paw pads, Tang Li couldn't help but smile, and tapped the little guy's pink nose: "Forget it, I'll help you find a job in the weaving today."

  ——off topic——

  Little Milk Cat: Of course, that's my goose!

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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