Chapter 998 Mr. Song with a bad heart

   Especially this doll suit looks like a big oven.

   At this moment, the closest security guard to her is also five meters away.

  If she took off her hood and shouted, the security guards would definitely hear it, but in this way, the hot search on the Internet tomorrow might be - a certain actress hangs herself outside the Tan Palace in the middle of the night, with an unknown intention.

  Sometimes, thin skin is a disadvantage.

  Because I stood for too long, my calf was already sore.

   She grabbed the fence and squatted down, looking at the security guards who were patrolling in front of the gate, calculating in her mind what the success rate would be if she was wearing a hood.

   The psychological achievements have not yet been completed, and a gentle male voice came from her ear, which she was familiar with: "In the middle of the night, squatting here and peeping at the gate?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   You don’t even have to look back, it’s already a world of asuras.

   turned sideways, facing the fence.

   This scene is very similar to what you see in front of the office window.

  Song Boyan stood up slowly, watching the puppet bear trying to pretend to be non-existent, a smile appeared on his face: "Squatting on such a narrow abutment, don't you feel tired?"

   This inquiry did not receive any response.

   "I heard that Yuan Qin had a rash on his body and has gone to the hospital."

  The words fell, and the back of the puppet bear moved slightly.

  The visible dose is still not enough.

  Song Boyan didn't think the abutment was dusty, so he simply wiped it with his fingers and sat down, "In this weather, it's hot to wear a shirt. With such a thick padded jacket, I'm afraid I'll get bored."

  The bear paws that were clinging to the fence suddenly changed to hug the fence.

  Bear tilted his head and leaned against the fence not to look at him.

   seems to be the virtue of breaking a jar.

"In the afternoon, Ji Ming was still talking about the fact that there are more businesses around the Tan Palace these days, either selling candied haws or selling balloons in doll costumes. He is planning to call the security department to do some cleaning." Song Boyan said in a tone like While chatting with her casually, "There is no need to arrest people, just go to the city appearance management to make a record."

  The bear head quietly turned back.

   Song Boyan added: "As for those who linger outside the Tan Palace and often probe their brains, they still have to take them to the security office for detailed questioning."

   "..." Tang Li.

  Song Boyan appeared here. Nine times out of ten, he knew what he had done.

   Saying these words is just forcing her to submit.

   is not a person who has been cultivated by himself. After all, his arms and elbows are turned outwards.

   couldn't help sighing silently at the fence.

   Yuan Qin left her and left. If she wanted to get out of here, she had to find a way by herself.

  Song Boyan looked at the puppet bear next to him, and seeing that he was so calm, he made a negotiation: "Otherwise, I will ask the security personnel to come over and register your identity for you."

   After saying that, he got up.

   A bear paw reached out and stopped him.

   Then he pointed at his right foot with the bear's paw.

   Only then did Song Boyan notice the 'bear's foot' stuck between the two fences, and he understood why Tang Li was hanging on the fence and wouldn't leave. The zipper of the doll suit was behind him, and he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to take it off.

   Afraid that he didn't understand the gestures, the puppet bear stood up.

   Its left foot stepped down from the abutment, stepped firmly on the ground, and its right foot made a demonstration of "wanting to pump but not being able to pull it out".

   Then, he turned his head to look at Song Boyan.

  Song Boyan saw the 'bear's foot' and spoke slowly: "According to the injury, I am afraid that the leg will have to be sawed."

  Tang Li: "..." I believe in you.

  Song Boyan was still sitting at the abutment, looking up at her, his eyes still deep and warm: "I'll give you another idea, don't take this dress, take it off."

  Tang Li of course knows that he can take out his feet by taking off the doll suit.

  If the person who came was Yuan Qin, without him mentioning it, he would urge him to help take off the doll suit.

   However, in front of her is Song Boyan.

   is shameful enough.

   If it shows its original shape again, it will really be gone.

   Not taking off her doll suit in front of Song Boyan was her last stubbornness tonight.

   Because she doesn't want future children and grandchildren to remember their grandmother/grandmother, she just remembers that she is a sand sculpture hanging outside the presidential palace.

   - Of course she wouldn't take the initiative to mention the stupid things she did, and it's hard to guarantee that Song Boyan wouldn't either.

   No longer turning to Song Boyan for help, she bent over to pull out her right foot.

   His chubby body revealed a clumsy look.

   pulled out for a while, but nothing worked.

  ...I can't say 'no results', at least I was sweating.

  A bear paw supported the iron fence, a bear foot was stuck in the fence, the doll bear leaned back, turned its head slowly, and looked at the abutment next to it again.

  I don't know when, Song Boyan lit a cigarette.

  The street lights outside the Tan Palace are not as bright as those at the main entrance.

   A little red star reflects the mottled tree shadows, flickering brightly and dimly, showing the outline of the man's strong arms from time to time, as well as the rolled up white sleeves.

   So, this person is just watching her jokes with pure heart.

   Tang Li realized this no matter how slow he was.

The more    is like this, the less he wants to ask him for help.

She turned around and was about to pull out her feet again, but Song Boyan stood up, looked at the 'bear's foot' that was caught, and made a suggestion: "If you don't take off this dress, then change it, and I'll help you. You are pulling the bear feet of this dress, and you are pulling your feet out with all your might, what do you think?"

The last five characters of    are to ask knowingly.

   It's one thing to slander inside and out, and he didn't reject this proposal on the face.

When Song Boyan stretched his right hand holding the cigarette into the fence and firmly held the 'shoe' of the doll suit, Tang Li climbed the fence with his right hand to stabilize his center of gravity, while pulling his right leg away from the right trouser leg of the doll suit, because she was thin. It's not difficult to do this.

  The real feet were freed from the confinement, and he did not forget to take the bear legs out of the fence.

   After she put on the doll suit, she was about to run, but as soon as she turned around, the bear's ear was pulled straight.

  Tang Li: "..."

   was controlled by others and had to turn around again.

   "Are you going to leave without saying thank you?"

  Tang Li has always been aware of the current affairs, and immediately raised the tip of his left toe in coordination, and put his hands on the top of his head, comparing a 'love'.

   As soon as the match is over, run away.

Song Boyan sat beside the abutment with a cigarette in hand, smiling and watching her sluggish little steps. In a blink of an eye, he crossed the Kangzhuang Avenue in front of the Tan Palace, passed the roadside ridge, jumped forward, and quickly ran away without a trace. .

  Tang Li is the way back.

  I wanted to find someone to help me undress first, but as I approached Beihai Park, I found that my nanny car was still on the side of the road.


  Song Boyan lied to her, Yuan Qin never went to the hospital!

  Tang Li couldn't help trotting over, when she saw the person beside the car: "..."

  Jiming has opened the back door: "Sir, let me take my wife back to Li's house."

Tang Li knew that it would be useless to deny it any more, so she simply acquiesced to Ji Ming's title, took off her doll suit and got into the car, and when Ji Ming sat in the cab, she asked, "Since your husband already knows, why did you send me back? Go back to Li's house?"

   "Sir said, you don't want him to know, he doesn't need to know."

  "..." The scene of the death of a large society.

   Thank you for your tips and monthly recommended tickets. I will read all the messages. Good night, see you tomorrow!



   (end of this chapter)

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