Chapter 999 Like an old mother

  When the nanny car approached the community, Tang Li received a text message from Song Boyan: "Come home and report safety."

Tang Li didn't forget how he saw his jokes outside the Tan Palace. When he looked at the text message again, he felt that his old face had been brushed off a layer. He was going to be cold to the other party, but when the nanny car parked outside the gate of Li's house, he returned the message. : "It's already here!"

   He felt that he was too obedient and could not find his way back. Before getting out of the car, he added another sentence: "Like an old mother!"

   To enhance the tone, she sent a multimedia message for fifty cents.

   A picture of Rong Ma's squinting eyes.

   Then, regardless of the recipient's reaction, just put the phone away as if you had won the debate.

   As soon as I got out of the car, I heard Ji Ming say: "Sir, let me tell you, remember to call someone when a similar situation happens in the future. Compared with hanging outside the Tan Palace, these are nothing."

  Tang Li: "..."

   In the end, the clown is still me.

   "I'll drive this car back to Tan Palace first, and let Yuan Qin drive over again tomorrow."

   "No need." Tang Li said and walked around the front of the car, took out the car key from the driver's window, and informed Ji Ming: "I will ask the company to change the bodyguard tomorrow!" doesn't have to be.

   This sentence, Ji Ming did not say it after all.

  Because I’m afraid of saying more and more mistakes.

  Once he said it, Miss Tang would inevitably ask why, and then she had to tell her a cruel fact: no matter how many bodyguards she changed, it would be [Yuan Qin 2.0] in the end.

   If you make Miss Tang cry, you will be unlucky when you turn around.

Just because Mr.    can joke with Miss Tang doesn't mean that others can do the same.

  Song Boyan has always been private.

   When dealing with people, you can decide the next ten steps in one step. It can be said that there is no leakage.

   Only Tang Li was an accident.

Mr.    has never regarded Miss Tang as a game of chess that should be considered.

   Back to Tan Palace, Ji Ming called for an online car-hailing.

   While waiting for the bus on the side of the road, Mr.'s phone came in.

When asked about the situation of sending people away, Ji Ming told the truth and also told Tang Li's plan to change his bodyguard. On the other end of the phone, Song Boyan just smiled, his attitude still indulgent: "If she wants to change, give it to her. another."

  Tang Li didn't know that his bodyguard had been selected. As soon as he stepped into the door of Li's house, Wu's mother, who was supposed to be looking at the corridor on the first floor, came over, leaned into her ear and said, "Madam went to Xiaoliang's room!"

   At this moment, all the servants of the Li family have rested.

   Wu's mother is also a nightdress with a Crayon Shin-chan pattern.

   Looking at this posture, it was obvious that he secretly came out to follow after hearing the movement.

When    met Wu's mother's bright eyes, Tang Li asked out of curiosity, "How long have you been in?"

  Mother Wu made a 'ten' with two index fingers, and then lowered her voice even lower: "As soon as I came back, I went to Xiaoliang's place, and didn't even go upstairs."

  Tang Li was slightly startled: "Ouyang Qian was not at home this afternoon?"

   "I went out with Li Yuan'er in the morning, and only Xiao Xiao came back at noon. It was Lao Liang's car. I'll go check his words tomorrow."

   As for what Ouyang Qian did to Xiaoliang.

  Tang Li never pretended to be a gentleman, so naturally he didn't think there was anything wrong with eavesdropping.

   The door of Xiaoliang's room is closed.

  Tang Li stood outside the door and couldn't hear any sound. Instead, Mother Wu tapped her on the shoulder and took her to the servant's room next door.

   "This was originally A Wen's room." Mother Wu locked the door and whispered to Tang Li, "After she was fired, this room has been vacant."

   Tang Li just wanted to answer, but Mother Wu made a booing gesture at her.

   Indistinctly, the voices of the neighbors could already be heard.

   Then, she watched Mother Wu remove the TV on the wall.

   "..." Tang Li.

Once the    LCD TV was removed, the holes in the wall were also exposed.

   A large beam of light leaked from next door.

Immediately afterwards, Ouyang Qian's voice followed: "In the end, it's because of my injury, here's 200,000 yuan, whether you go back to your hometown to start a small business, or go south with others, it's all up to you. Decide."

  Tang Li approached only to find that the TV was also blocking the opposite side of the hole in the wall.

   After a while, Xiaoliang said, "I can't accept the money. I have nothing to do with you, my wife. I want to feed the porridge myself, so it's okay for me to be beaten by my husband."

   "Whether it has anything to do with me or not, it's not easy for you to stay in this family." Ouyang Qian said again.

   "I can go to Tianyi to work and drive you."

   However, this proposal was not adopted: "Even if you go to Tianyi, you won't be able to drive for a long time for me."

   Tang Li knew what Ouyang Qian had planned.

  She transferred the equity to Li Yuaner. It is estimated that the chairman of Tianyi will be replaced in a short time. At that time, Ouyang Qian will no longer hold a position in the company, and there will be no need for a special car driver.

   The next room suddenly became quiet.

   To say something about Ouyang Qian and Xiaoliang, I'm afraid it hasn't happened before.

   But in Xiao Liang's words, it is obvious that Ouyang Qian is not the same.

Tang Li, who has experienced love himself, can also guess Xiaoliang's psychology. The country boy came to the capital to defect to his cousin. When he first saw the beautiful and mature hostess, she was bullied by the mistress and caused a miscarriage. After seeing that the male host ignored his wife, his heroism expanded rapidly, and he just wanted to take care of the female host instead of the male host.

   Let it develop, and the results can be imagined.

   In the study that day, Ouyang Qian had a big fight with Li Wenyan over Xiaoliang.

  Ouyang Qian doesn't necessarily like Xiao Liang.

   But at her age, she was suddenly betrayed by her husband, and there happened to be a young man who knew how to ask for warmth, and he was good-looking. It was inevitable that there would be a feeling of rejuvenation when the drought meets the nectar.

   This feeling of rejuvenation gave her the confidence as a woman.

  Ouyang Qian's attitude towards Li Wenyan has changed greatly, and there is no credit for Xiao Liang.

"Even if I go back to my hometown, I'll be the only one left at home." On the other side of the wall, Xiao Liang said again: "My parents died early, and I don't have any other siblings." After a short pause, he said again: "I don't want to What, I just want to take care of you a little more."

Tang Li didn't intend to listen any more, but the little wolf dog repeated the show of loyalty, and was about to leave when he heard Ouyang Qian say, "If I let you go to a completely unfamiliar place, you don't understand the language, and you don't know someone, Are you willing too?"

  Language is not available.

  Tang Li quickly caught this keyword.

   Before she could sort it out, Xiaoliang agreed.

  Ouyang Qian didn't say anything about this assumption, only told Xiao Liang to rest well, got up and left the servant's room.

   came out of Awen's room, and Wu's mother was also deeply touched: "This Xiaoliang is very determined. If it were me, I would not have to worry about being abducted and sold after hearing those words."

  Ouyang Qian certainly would not abduct and sell Xiaoliang.

  Tang Li went back to the bedroom, and when he wiped his hair after taking a shower, he suddenly understood——

   Doesn't Ouyang Qian want to take her daughter abroad?

   Li Wenyan: "No one can escape, let's sink together!"

--Good night!

   By the way, Ali is 168cm tall and Mr. Song is 184cm.



   (end of this chapter)

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